2.first day of school

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i only put some music there if you wanna listen you dont have to xD
i will add on if needed 😊
|(Y/n)=your name
|(L/n)= Last name
|(f/f)=fav food
|(s/f/f)=sec fav food

as you walked into school you recognised somebody. It was the guy you walked in yesterday at gamestop. ~Ohh no that rude guy whyy i have such bad luck don't i...~You kept walking further into the school as you went to get your map and scedule to get around is school and know which lessons you gotta go to you looked at the scedule and saw that your homeroom was E1. "Mhmm lets see i take a left here...then turn right anddd i'm here." You enter the room and see everybody already in the classroom. ~oh no that guy is in my homeroom...i'll have to life with it dont i..?~ "Excuse me (Y/n) is it ? Y-yes tha-that's me." you felt really embarased. "Ahh well welcome to Konaii~ high school.Th-thx ?" You can introduce yourself to the class.You turned around and saw a group of 4 boys smirking at you. "Well i'm (Y/n) i really enjoy gaming,singing and dancing i'm 14 years old and please take good care of me ".You looked back at the teacher. "Well (Y/n) you can sit next to Rin." She pointed at the boy you feared."O-ok." You went over to the desk and sat next to him. "Hello (Y/n)" .one of the other boys said with a smirk." My name is Mitsu. Nice to meet you Mitsu." You akwardly smiled at him." He-hey my na-name i-is Ci-Ciel." Ciel smiled at you very shy and looked away. "Well nice to meet too Ciel." The same akward smile was plastered on your face now your wtention turned to the two other boys. "The name's Rin." A quite emo looking dude said with a *tch* after that. "Ohh rin~kun why be like that to (Y/n)~sannnn." He said in a very cheerful voice."Nice to meet you (Y/n)~sannn the name's Ruki~kun." He smiled confidently.*ring ring* The class started. "Welcome back guys and welcome (Y/n)." she smiled at you as you sunk in the ground of shame (i dunno if like they say that in u.k/u.s.a etc.. but we do in Belgium 😂) some girls chuckled. "Well my name is Ms.Lee and i'll be your homeroom teacher normaly you got your scedule and map to get around school and know when your lessons are." She smiled at everyone but smiled widley at you.Rin whispered something in your ear. "Seems like the teacher has a new favorite." He smirked slightly you turned your head towards him."No she doesnt" .you whisper/yelled back and felt something in your back.. "Ok everyone pay attent-" Was the last thing you heard before you passed out .Someone catched you before you fell on the ground."Ohh no Rin can you bring (Y/n) to the nurse ?Tch ya sure.." Rin picked you up carefully bridal style and brought you to the nurse.

~time skip till you woke up~
"Ughhh." You said as you rubbed your head. "Ahh (Y/n)~sannn woke up."  You looked to your side and saw Mitsu,Rin,Ruki and Ciel sitting next to you. "W-what happened ?" Mitsu stood up and sat on your bed. "you fell unconcious at the beggining of the lesson school is over by now.;Ohh no wow way to start.." A smile appeared on your face as Ruki was making funny faces at you. "Haha Ruki stop it." Some death glares were send his way but he ignored them. "Watashi no myūzu wa, do no yō nidesu ka? *cough* how is my muse *cough* really cheesyyyy * cough* I'm good thx." You smiled at them their jaws just dropped. "Yo-you actually understand Japan-Japanese ?" Ciel asked. "Yes i do, actually i come from Japan i just moved here that's why i'm joining this school in second year." You faked a smile at them." Wow (Y/n) sure is alot isn't it ?" Mitsu asked." Yes i-tch neet." Rin said to you while alot of dead glarres were send his way instead of Mitsu's way. "You're a rude one arent you ?Ah .. do you guys hear those annoying buzzing sounds ughh i wish they would go away." And Rin stepped out of the Nurses office." Heh umm." Ruki put his hand behind his neck." Pls don't mind Rin~sama..Rin~sama is not very social so i'm really sorry about him." Ruki was looking down while saying this." Hey Ruki it's not your fault he is kinda mean to me and he needs to apologise not you so don't feel bad for me or him." You looked at him and he seemed pretty happy. "Ok Ruki~samaa will go talk to Rin~samaa then baii baii (Y/n) cya tommorow or do you want me to bring you home ? No no thank you,i'll be fine baii Ruki." You waved at him as he went through the door." Sooo (Y/n)~sannnn does (Y/n)~san want that Mitsu~kun and Ruki~sama take (Y/n)~sann home ? No thank you really for everything that the three of you have done for me,i mean you guys barely even know me." You were thinking really hard why they would do this..you couldnt think of any reason so you just let it be for now.. "Hyy (Y/n)~sannn considere it as something a friend would do right we're you're only friends right (Y/n)~sann." The last bit he said a with a scary  sounding voice. "Welp i'll have to go otherwise i wont get home in time ok baii baii cya tommorow (Y/n)~sannn.B-by-bye (Y/n) cy-cya." Ciel again said in he cutest childish voice."Baii baii." you said as you went off about a hundred meters further you felt someone or something was watching you so you walked faster and faster you saw noone or not anything .~thats weird i swear it feels like something or someone is behind me..~You arrived at your home and looked behind you one more time before you unlocked the door. "Mommm i'm home." You went to the kitchen to see your mom. "Ahh (N/n) how was your first day of school ?" Your mom was cooking (s/f/f). "Umm it was not that good actually.." You looked up to see your mom looking worried at you." How come (Y/n) ?" Your mom continued cooking. "Well in first class i felt unconcious and- What the school didn't call me." She checked her phone and saw she had 4 missed calls. "Ohh i'm sorry (N/n) i really didn't hear it.It's no problem mom i just 'woke' up anyways you couldnt have done anything if you were there but anyways i'm going to my room baii mom pls say when the food is ready? Ok will do" .You went upstairs and played some games since you didn't recieve any homework. "(N/n) dinner is ready!" Your mom was shouting from downstairs. "Ok mom i'll be right there!" You said as you paused your game and went downstairs. "Mhmm it smells great." You sat down in the spot you always sat and saw something infront of you.~for (Y/n)~ "Mom do you know what this is ?" You said while pointing at the letter. "No idea dear maybe open it up ?" You nodded you opened the letter your eyes widend as you saw what was in the letter
~dear (Y/n)..~
~words 1193 without a/n~
i'm sorry i just needed to do this haha 😈😂 dont kill me pls ? but ya i really hope you're enjoying reading this as much as i enjoying writing this 😊
baii baii.
Lina 😘

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