4.It's starting..

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I just add some music for those who want to listen the music 😊(i got the chills writing this just saying..) and i just wanted to update why not 😂😊
|(Y/n)=your name
|(L/n)=last name
|(F/f)=fav food
|(F/d)=fav drink
~i heared alot of screaming i turned to the right and when i did my eyes widend at the sight of..my house burning infront of my eyes i heared my mom and dad screaming but when i ran to the house i didn't hear a thing Mom!Dad! i screamed it several times but didn't get an answer.I felt my knees shaking which was followed by me falling onto them.Please this can't *sob* be true.. .
i started crying. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)?!~ "(Y/n) wake up. Tch you fell asleep." Rin whispered to you with a smirk plastered on his face. "Oh no how much did i miss !?"  You started to panick a little bit. "You missed 15 minutes there's 15 minutes left so you better pay attention baka." Rin turned around to pay attention.~Ohh luckily he woke me up...~ "So your homework for today is make a pharagraph about today's lesson." Ms.lee smiled at all of you , you started panicking because you only had 45 minute of the 1 hour lesson. "What do i do now." You whispered trying to make sure noone heared it but Rin heared it and his smirk got bigger. "You need some help?"  The same smirk was plastered on his face a shocked expression was shown on your face. "Y-you hea-heard that..?" You felt your cheeks burning up. "Ya you baka otherwise i wouldn't be asking it." Rin just rolled with his eyes. "Umm ya i really need some help actually.." You just looked at him. "Mhm nice for you but what do i get in return?" Rin turned around to see you. "Nehh~ ?" You said in a high pitched voice. "Tch baka what do I get if i help you ?" Rin repeated himself with the same annoyed tone in it. "Umm if you ever need help i'll help you ?" You tilted your head to the side as you said that cause you didn't know what to say. "Mhm ok i'll accept it." He just smirked..again. "Yay thank you so where do we meet ?" You smiled at him to show you were happy. "Is my house ok for you ?" He said with a more 'enjoyable' tone to his voice. "Uh ya sure ?" Little did you know..
~time skip till school was over~
"Ok Rin i'll see you later." He gave you his adress so you could stop by any second you would like to. "(Y/n)!"  You heared someone scream from behind you turned around to see Alexandra running towards you. "Ahh Alexandra whats up?"  You smiled at her. "Not much but you dropped something."  She handed over a little pink notebook you looked shoked cause it was something very precious to you. "Omg Alexandra thank you so much." You took the little notebook out of her hands and felt a pair of eyes burning in the back of your head you turned around back to see nothing but when you looked back at the spot were Alexandra used to be. "Huh where did she go..Alexandra !" " mhm i guess she left already well i should be going home cause otherwise it will be to late to go to his house." " Ok turn righ-." You heared alot of screaming..weirdly enough the same screams as in your dream..You did the same as in your dream turn right and you saw your house actually burning down. "What !" You started running to your house and when u got closer the screams werent there anymore. "MOM! DAD!" You started crying. Pls answer me ! You fell on your knees trying to grab your cellphone out of your backpack. "I need to call the firedepartment..." You dialed the number and told them everything they need to know to come as quick as possible. you heared the sirens from far away. "Ok i'll have to go after they arrive here." You were still crying and sobbing a little bit. "Um miss can u tell us who lived here and how this happend ?"  The fireman scared you but you told him. "M-my mo-mom,da-dad and i us-used to li-live her-here." You sobbed between the words. "Hey Mr.Brook can u come here for a second!"  Some fireman shouted from in the completely burned down house.. "Ya sure,can u wait here for a second or do u want to leave."  The so named Brook said to you.  "I'd rather leave i'm sorry." You looked down. "It's no problem but can i have your phone number if we find something we could call you."  He said to you with a little guilt in his eyes. "Y-ya sur-sure."  You gave him your phone number and went off to Rin's house. ~now that i think of it i haven't seen Mitsu,Ruki or Ciel all day..they must be sick or something..right ?~You went to the addres Rin gave you when u arrived you saw a huge mansion infront of you you dubble checked if you were at the right addres and it seemed like you were at the right addres. "Umm were is the bell at this place..ughh..ahh found it!"  you ringed the doorbell and the backgate went open you jumped. Wow...i should go inside before it closes.You stepped forward to the gate as you went inside you heared cute little barks. "Nehh~ a dog, didn't expect that from Rin..Then it hit you that Ruki was his brother. Oh ya..Mhm were is the intrance.."
Someone touched your shoulder and you jumped. "GAH!"  you turned around and saw it was Ruki smiling at you. "I told you to not scare me.." You tried to look angry at him but instead you just laughed. Umm (Y/n) may i ask why you're here.He looked at you like a confused puppy. Well..Rin said he would help me with my homework. As you said that Ruki looked at you with a shocked expression. Are you sure Rin, promised it ? He was really confused. Ya i'm 100% sure, could u tell me where he is ? You weren't listening to Ruki anymore cause you're phone went off. Excuse me Ruki..You answered the phone when u did they told you they found 2 bodies..it was a female and a male body and that she could indetify them later, tears streamed down your face as you fell on your knees. (Y/n) ! whats wrong !? Ruki rushed over to you picked you up and went inside Rin came downstairs and saw you on the couch. Ah you're here took you long enough. He pointed his finger at the clock and it was 8pm.. I'm so-sorr-sorry. Ruki gave you glass of water and you drank it whole after that you felt a little woozy. What..You're eyelids were slowly closing. I'm so sorry (Y/n)..You didnt hear anything after that..
~1113 words without a/n's~
hyy guyss hope you enjoyed this chapter 1 question should i stop making these 'cliffhangers' or not ? just asking 😊
i hope you have an awesome night/day and keep on shipping baii baiiii ~

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