20- Mwahh

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Hand holding.

It held such comfort and care in such situations. In other situations you hold someone's hand when your in pain.

Their hand is what you squeeze for comfort, or so you can try to relieve yourself somehow by hurting someone else's hand.

I think sometimes it may even be for both comfort and pain.

In this situation it was. The birth of Nico was harsh on Tessa. Tyson offered his hand not ready for how hard Tessa would actually squeeze his hand.

Or in my aunts situation a while ago. When she held Colin's hand waiting for the results on if she was pregnant or not.

But in mine as of right this second, was just for the comfort and love as I walked around campus with Adam.

You see hand holding has different meanings. All used at different times. This is just one of the random thoughts that ran through my head as I conjured up these memories in my mind.

Tessa went to college in Maine close to Tyson and Nico. They had their own place. Tyson took care of Nico while Tessa went to college to learn more on what she was going to do her whole life.

I was majoring in being a social worker. Adams major was to be. Coach for football if his career didn't work out.

My aunt was now 3 months pregnant. I gave my aunt permission to change my room into their child's nursery. I probably wouldn't live there anymore anyways. I was now 18. Soon Adam would be turning 20.

Life was coming together and me and Adam have been together for 2 years now, almost 3. Tessa and Tyson have actually been together for 11 months.

Tyson has actually kissed her when they left from Coney Island that day.

Valentine's Day was coming up soon and I was excited. That was the day I got to eat boxes of chocolate without being judged.

"Earth to Avery."

"Hmm?" I turned to Adam who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Sorry what did you say?"

"I said why did you choose today to walk me to football?"

"I don't know. No reason really. I just love you and I can never leave you alone anymore."

"Well I love you too."

"I feel loved."

"So do I."

We both laughed as we made it to the field. "Hill! Who's this young lady?"

I looked to see the coach of Adams team walking towards us. All eyes were on us now.

"Oh hey coach. This is my girlfriend Avery."

"Oh we finally get to meet the Avery," one of Adams team mates said with a smile.

"Oh hush Garrethy." Adam said shaking his head with a smile.

I looked up at Adam. "Do you talk about me a lot?"

He nodded looking down at me. I blushed.

"She's a keeper Hill. Don't let that one go."

"Oh I don't plan on it."

I blushed harder staring up at Adam. "Okay well I have to go. I got to get back to my computer before Tessa yells at me for not answering."

Adam nodded. He pecked my forehead. I raised an eyebrow.

"What was that? That's not a goodbye kiss." I grabbed his face and pecked his lips. "Mwahh. That's a goodbye kiss."

I waved to Adam as I backed up and he shook his head at me with a smile. I could see his cheeks tinge pink as the boys made kissy noises at him.

This time I was the one to call Tessa over Skype.

When she answered she was crying outside.

"Oh Tess what's wrong"

"I miss my baby and my boyfriend. I can't do this Avery. I can't be away from them for this long every day."

"Tessa you can do it okay? Call Tyson and ask him to bring himself and Nico up here to see you."

"Oh god that's a good idea. Oh Avery I'll never regret having Nico and being with Tyson, I just wish it could have been later in life."

"I know Tess but you can get through this and then you can be with your family for the rest of your life."

She smiled at me but then frowned wiping her tears. She quickly texted Tyson on her phone and then looked back up at me.

"I miss you so much Avery."

"I do too Tess. I wish we could see each other soon. Plus I wanna see that cute as fuck baby you call Nico again."

She laughed. "I wish it was summer already so we could see each other."

"I'll come as soon as we're allowed to leave." I said laughing.

She nodded smiling. We continued our small talk until I seen Tyson carrying a very sleepy Nico behind Tessa.

Tessa turned around seeing what I was staring at and got up running to Nico and Tyson.

She clung to them like her life depended on it.

Hugs have different meanings too. Let's see there's......


837 words

Total word count- 21,571

Well what a long ride. I know this one is short but I like it actually. Now for the epilogue.

I'll probably write that and post it today also. Hopefully you woke up and had a surprise when you seen I finished the whole book in my free time especially on my phone. Gotta edit this shit though.

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