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I was laying on my bed, just staring up at the ceiling. Honestly, I was very bored. Usually, back at Danzo’s or in the Akatsuki, I always had something to do. But waiting for orders isn’t really my thing. I couldn’t help of what I left not that long ago. I wonder what would of happened if I stayed? I’m sure someone would of killed me, of course. I mean, what If I would of stayed to see what Pein had to say? I’m sure it wasn’t good. I wonder what would happen if I went back. Would he accept my apology? 

Then, I heard a knock on the door, and a slip of paper was slid through the door. I walked over and picked it up. It read:

Report to Orochimaru exactly when you wake.

He will then acquaint you with your instructor, and you will train.

Don’t be late.

Oh, and please don’t complain.


Ch, who does this guy think I am? I don’t need training! I don’t know why I can’t just be assigned a place in authority or something. I crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it across the room. I continued to gaze up at the ceiling, trying to figure something out. I mean, I need a back up plan, right? What if I do end up going back? That’s crazy. I can’t go back! I’ll be killed for sure!

I got tired soon enough, and fell asleep. I thought I would dream about Pein, but I didn’t. It was of Deidara. Now, please, don’t ask me why the hell I would dream about Deidara, because of all the bad things he’s done for me. But, I did. 

I was walking through the corridors of the hideout, taking in all the sights and sounds. Then I spotted Deidara down the way, and sighed to my self, “Great.” He didn’t seem to notice me when I passed him. But then when I thought he was gone, I felt something grab me from behind my waist and push me up against the wall.

I opened my eyes to see Deidara smiling down at me, gazing at me with his beautiful blue eyes. “What do you want?” I asked through gritted teeth. “Nothing.” He smiled, then pushed his forehead against mine. I was so confused, I didn’t move.

He licked his lips, then placed his upon mine. I jumped, which made him grin. He kissed me more roughly, and all I did was just stand there, baffled. After a while, I closed my eyes, and went along with it. Then that’s when I woke up.

A very strange dream, I admit, but that’s why I’m happy it was over. But it made me realize something I never thought of possible: I missed Deidara.

Then I remembered I had to meet Orochimaru. Like, now. I made myself look somewhat decent, and headed out the door. I walked down that hallway, but with Deidara in my mind. I really do want someone fight with all the time because it’s practically my entertainment. But with him gone, I just don’t know anymore.

I appeared in front of Orochimaru’s door, and knocked slightly. I heard a faint, “Come in.” and I entered. Orochimaru was sitting down in a chair-like thrown. But I couldn’t help but find a tall figure standing next to him. I couldn’t really make out the details in the dark room….

“Oh, Shiro, how nice of you to join us.” “It’s Six, sir. I like to be called Six.” He paused then looked at me intently. “Six? But I love your beautiful name now. Why Six?” I gulped, then stared down at the ground. “It was my AMBU name. And I just feel more comfortable with that name.” 

He grinned, then replied, “Very well, Six. I would like you to meet your new instructor, Sasuke.”  The figure to the right of him stepped forward, and I could make out the faint details of his spiky hair and his sword on his hip. That name sounded strikingly familiar, but I just couldn’t make it out.

“He will be giving you a few pointers, so I want you to be a good girl. Do you think you could do that for me?” He grinned, having every word slick off his tongue like ice. “No promises.” I smirked, then walking towards “Sasuke”. He glared at me with a death stare, but I just pushed it aside. 

“You seem familiar. Do I know you?” I asked him. He looked at me, then studied me up and down. “And I’m guessing that’s a no?” I chuckled. He’s obviously one of those quiet creeps.

He nodded to the other direction, signaling for me to follow him. I followed closely behind, watching as Orochimaru’s figure got smaller and smaller. “So, Sasuke right?” I asked to break the akward silence. No answer. “You know, I really don’t like people ignoring m-” “Why won’t you shut up? I’m not interested in what you have to say. I’ve never seen you in my life.” Well, that was kind of rude.

“Okay then.” I hugged, then looked back to the strange designs on the walls. I figured out he was taking me outside, onto a specified training ground. After a while of walking on the field, he put a hand out in front of me, telling me to stop. I haulted, and watched him as he walked on. Then out of nowhere, a kunai came racing towards me.

I caught it, of course, then threw it back at him. He dodged it, then nodded. “What?” I asked giving him a scowl. He didn’t reply, but I’m sure he was proud or something of my results. He drew his sword back, and tossed me the kunai once more. I caught it perfectly, and made a stance. He did the same.

Then, like in slow motion, we came charging at each other as if in sync. Our weapons clashed, and I can feel the chakra running through his sword like a heart beat. I began to push my kunai against his sword, trying to push him back, but he wasn’t budging.

He realized the same was with me, I wasn’t moving from my stance. We back off quickly, then came charging at each other. Still, the same situation. We back off once more, and we stared at each other for the longest time. I couldn’t help but realize how dark and mysterious his eyes were. I stared deeply into them, but still couldn’t find any form of emotion at all. Was he an AMBU or something?

He started to move, and I was just about to charge when he put his sword back in it’s sheath. I threw the kunai to him, which he gradually caught and returned it to it’s pouch. “Now, show me your technique.” “What?” I asked. “Your technique. Any special move?” Oh, shit. 

“Uh, I really don’t like to use it…” A grin appeared on his lips, but still no emotion came across the rest of his face. “I don’t care. I can take it.” I took a deep breath, and drew back my leg. I took a deep breath, and put my fingers together. “Water Style: Crystal Tornado Jutsu!”

The water in the air started to gracefully swirl around me, until a large, tall tornado started to form. Spiked icycals started to form, then made they’re way towards their target with outrageous speed. Sasuke quickly swatted them away with his sword, then braced himself as my tornado gradually made it’s way towards him. He dug his sword in the ground, and gripped it.

The tornado surrounded him, and all I saw was a blur of sharp water. Went it slowly vanished, you could see him, a couple gashed on his very pale face.

He nodded in agreement, and picked his sword of the ground, tucked it back in the sheath. “Come on.” He said, almost a mumble. He began to head back to the hideout, following quickly behind him. And the whole time, I couldn’t help but think : “Oh yeah, I kicked some ass.”

Living Without A Name [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now