Chapter 1 - A Kind Introduction

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It looked like you would make it to your flat in time before it started to rain, but then a slight drizzle started coming down. It didn't bother you too much but you did keep your head low to avoid any rain to make contact with your eyes. You hadn't realized how fast you were walking until you ran into someone and almost fell backwards. Almost. But his hands were at your waist in seconds, steadying you. You looked up at the man to find his dark brown eyes staring down at you with a smirk forming on his lips. His hair was slicked back and he was well dressed in a suit, Westwood, you guessed.

"Sorry, th-thank you though." You stutter out, looking down and realizing his hands were still holding your waist. You felt heat radiate through your cheeks as you blushed at this. You looked down at the ground, trying to hide the redness spreading on your face.

"Don't worry about it, love" he purred with a deep Irish accent. It was quite sexy, you had to admit. He chuckled slightly seeing you blush before he let go of your waist. "I guess I should introduce myself before this goes any further," he said with a wink. "I'm Jim, Jim Moriarty."

You blushed again when he winked but didn't look away this time. "Well Jim, I'm y/n y/l/n." He held out his hand for what you thought was going to be a handshake and when you placed your hand in his you could feel how cold it was. A small shiver ran down your spine. You were wearing a jumper so you hadn't felt the coldness when his hands were at your waist. Instead of shaking your hand though, Jim raised it to his lips and softly kissed the back of your hand.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, y/n," he purred again, emphasizing the word 'pleasure' while letting go of your hand. "But I must get going now. I'm sure we'll meet again soon."

"Of course, you can't just stand here in the rain and talk to a stranger all day, can you?" You say smiling but Jim saw the slight disappointment in your eyes. He was pleased to see it and moved closer to you, placing his mouth right next to your ear. You could feel his warm breath on your neck and smell the cologne he was wearing. You closed your eyes and took it all in, thinking how the rain made it even more romantic.

"Yes, we'll definitely be seeing each other soon. Very soon." His voice was at a whisper and, although you couldn't see his face, you knew he was smirking. Your eyes were still closed when he moved away from you and got into a shiny black car that had pulled up beside the both of you. You opened your eyes when you heard the car door shut and you watched it drive away. You took a deep breath, which made you smile because there was still a hint of his cologne in the air around you, and started walking to your flat again. It had been a long time since you had felt this way about someone. 'Wait, am I actually falling for a stranger that I know nothing about?' You thought, 'No, no, of course not. How could I be, I've only just met him?'


You unlocked the door to your flat, which happened to be right above the flat of the great "consulting detective" Sherlock Holmes and his assistant John Watson. You wouldn't call your relationship with them quite a friendship but you did occasionally stop in for some tea and a chat, usually more with John than Sherlock but that didn't bother you. Sherlock was playing the violin at the moment and you could hear it clearly so you laid down on the couch and fell asleep to the sweet melodies drifting through the air into your ears. Even though it was only 5:30 you were tired from work and the music only made you more sleepy. With your eyes closed, you replayed the scene of meeting Jim Moriarty over and over in your head.

'I wonder if Jim's been thinking of me too...' was the last thought to go through your mind before sleep finally overcame you.

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