Chapter 9 - Fancy a swim?

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"Jim, where are we going?" You asked for the hundredth time, but you still got no straight answer. It was nearly midnight and Jim was ushering you into a sleek black car waiting outside.

"You'll see, kitten." he said with a small smirk before kissing you quickly on the lips.

"Can I at least get a hint?" You whined playfully with puppy dog eyes, but Jim just shook his head and got in the car next to you.

Seb had gotten into a second car that followed yours as you are driven to the mystery location. You were sure you saw someone else in that car with him but Jim just smirked when you asked him about it. "Well, kitten, that's our guest but we don't have time to talk to him right now. We will when we get there though. At least for a little while..." his voice trailed off and he had a dark look clouding his chocolaty eyes, making them look almost black. You were worried but tried not to think about what might be happening.

15 minutes later, the car stopped and Jim helped you get out. You looked around but it was too dark to tell where you where our what the building in front of you was. "What is this place?" You asked Jim as he linked arms with you.

"I'll show you."

You walked over to a set of doors together and Jim opened one and let you in first. You walked down a narrow corridor then through another set of doors into a big open room. 'A pool? Why would we be talking to a guest at midnight at a pool?' You thought, looking to Jim for an explanation of why you were there.

"Fancy a swim, love?" Jim chuckled as he walked over to you. He kissed your forehead softly before telling you why. "We were told that we were to meet here at this time so we to people."

"Where's Seb and our guest?"

"Our guest will be here shortly after someone else arrives and Seb is preparing things." He said as he looked at the time. "Follow me." He walked over to another door on the far side of the pool and held it open for you before going in after you. It lead into another hallway but Jim just stood there, not doing anything but listening.

"What are we doing-" you started to ask but Jim shushed you. You heard a voice talking loudly outside in the pool room. You knew that voice. That oh so familiar voice. Sherlock. Your heart started beating faster. 'Why is Sherlock here? What is Jim planning? Who's the guest then?' These thoughts dashed through your mind but it didn't take long before your last question was answered.

"Evening." Tears welled up behind your eyes. John. He was saying whatever Jim said into a small microphone. "I can stop John Watson too. Stop his heart." NO! Jim can't be serious. Tears where threatening to spill down your cheeks. John was one of the few people you called a friend in years and you were not going to let Jim take him from you.

"Jim, stop this right now!" You choked out as loudly as you could without crying but he continued to talk. You tried to calm yourself as you stood there thinking about how you could stop this until Jim grabbed your arm and went to open the door. "I can't go out there with them."

"Yes you can and you will, kitten."

"No, not if you're going to kill them."

"I won't, not now at least, okay?" he said as he held his hand out to you. You weren't sure you trusted this, but you knew he wouldn't let you stay in here so you took his hand and let him lead you out. You tried to calm yourself down as you stepped out into the pool room, but your heart beat sped up as you locked eyes with Sherlock. You could tell he was confused but didn't want to show it, you could tell he was analysing both you and Jim, but you couldn't tell what he was thinking.

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