Chapter 15 - Kitten

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You didn't even realise you had drifted off during the film until you woke up with a blanket on you and a pillow under your head. "Jim..?" You called sleepily as you sat up and rubbed your eyes.

No reply.

You got up and looked at the time. It was almost noon. You walked to Jim's office and knocked.

No reply.

You opened the doors and walked over to his desk and saw a small blue post-it note with "Irene's flat @ 11:30" stuck right at the front.

'Jim never writes client appointments down so who the hell is Irene?' You thought to yourself angrily and grabbed the sticky note and put it in your pocket. You checked your phone and saw that Jim sent you a message a little after 11 saying he went out for work. You knew he was lying but you didn't reply. After deciding to go in to work for a few hours you went upstairs and got changed into a casual outfit and got a cab to the cafe. You were a little disappointed to find out Gwen wasn't working that shift but you needed the extra time to make up for some lost shifts while you were at Jim's.

You worked for a few hours before taking a small break, stepping outside in the back and checking your phone.

3 new messages; 2 missed calls

"Jim..." you sighed and decided to call back after checking the messages that asked where you were and why you didn't leave any note or message about where you were going.

*Ring ring, ring ri-*
"Where are you?!" Jim asked worriedly right when he picked up rather quickly.

"Went in to get a few shifts in at the cafe. Jesus, calm down." You said, still a little irritated from earlier.

"You're dating me, the most wanted man in London by police and other criminals, you could've been kidnapped for God's sake! I was worried about you!"

"It's always about you, isn't it? Can't you just trust me for once?" You snapped. There was a moment of silence.

"It's everything okay, kitten?" Jim asked softly.

"Yeah, just dandy. Don't worry, just stressful work today. I'll be home soon." You said with a sigh and shook your head, you knew you probably overreacted and shouldn't be angry but you found yourself already ending the call and putting your phone in your pocket. A few moments later it buzzed and you checked the message.

'I love you, kitten. Have a surprise for you when you get home <3

-JM xoxo'

You felt bad and decided to forget about the note unless you got further evidence of anything suspicious happening. You messaged back.

'Can't wait to find out what it is. I love you too dear


You ate a quick lunch and clocked out a half hour later. You started walking back to Jim's but then decided that getting a cab there would lessen the possibility of being followed or attacked. You still had the thought of Chris stalking you in the back of your mind. If he was in London you knew he'd come looking for an upfront meeting sooner or later. Jim would protect you though, you were sure of it. Chris wouldn't stand a chance against him. You pushed those thoughts out though as soon as you walked up to the front door of the Moriarty estate.

You opened the door and stepped in. "I'm home!" You called and heard hurried footsteps coming towards you from another room.

"Finally." Jim chuckled and pulled you into a hug and kissed you. You smiled up at him and kissed back.

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