chapter 2

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I got to the school only 10 minutes late, that's pretty good considering I was run-limping. Of course now my whole body is aching but I'm used to it.

Before I entered the main office I put on my hood and sunglasses. They will protect me from everyone's attention. I convinced my mom to sign a letter saying that I need to keep them on at all times. I told them it was to hide my bruises but that's what make up is for.

I walked into the office and there sat a lady. She looked nice but looks can be deceiving. I hate being around other people, I guess that's one reason why I hate school so much. You never know who you can trust, or what they could be hiding because in reality everyone has a deep dark dirty secret. I slowly made my way to her. She had short grey hair and big brown eyes with little wrinkles on multiple places on her face. Human, she gave me a welcoming smile that kind of scared me.

"well hello there you must be Misty" she has a southern accent.

"H-hhow'd yyou know mmy n-name" I squeaked out. I hardly use my voice anymore so I'm a bit rusty.

"Small town... so here's your schedule have a nice first day"

I nodded my head as a thank you.

1. English

2. math

3. art


4. chemistry

5. U.S. history

6. free period

I reach my English class and stop. All the attention will be on me. Will I be able to take that? I mean I'm scared enough as it is and now I have to worry about what other people think about me to. I take a giant deep breath and knock softly before entering. All conversation stopped and stared at me some glared but most stared at me curiously and someone actually growled at me. Did I mention I am going to an all werewolf school. I don't really know how that lady at the office was human though.

I walk over to the teacher and give my teacher my note and look for a seat. As I was walking to the furthest seat in the back making my glasses drop. Someone growled a vicious growl directed at the one who owns the foot. That's when I notice the most amazing smell. It smelled like nature and mint. I looked around the room and landed on the most beautiful creature that ever stepped foot on this planet. He had black hair with tanned defined features. He was glaring at a guy dressed in all black with black hair I guess he likes black. When the mystery guy turned to me I was astonished. I looked into his dark green eyes and all I saw was lust, passion, love, and so much more. He smiled showing his perfect pearly white smile and my world stopped.

'Mate......'my wolf whispered...she's so weak.... wait did she just say mate?

This isn't possible! No one as godly as him would want to be my mate. Plus he is probably like all the rest of the guys. All he's going to do is hurt me like everyone else in my life. Plus he's a guy, he only wants one thing from me. I'll give you one hint, it's not love. I can't take his rejection! I've been in a lot of pain in my life, but I cannot take the pain of rejection. I heard it's the most painful thing someone can experience. I'd probably die if I experienced that. I'm too weak. Yes I want to die anyway but not out of heartbreak!

"No" is all I can whisper before I run out of class.

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