Chapter 20

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Misty's P.O.V.

After Ryan was through raping me and pummeling me into smithereens I just laid there.

"You know the deal ,don't tell a living soul about this and if you do tell I will find out and you do t even want to know what I would do to you and I better see you in my class tomorrow evening"he says with his award winning smirk then left.

I hope he kills me. I mean it's not like I have anyone to live for anymore so why fight it. I might as well die.

'Honey don't think like that'

'Mom is that you?'

'Of course baby girl'

'Mom I don't know if I can do this anymore, Kyle hates me and he was my only reason I wanted to live in the first place so why can't I just die?' I ask in my mind mentally blubbering.

'I think deep down you know that there is more to this story than u can see.Think back to the past week that you spent with Kyle. all the moments you shared. do you really think he would hate you?'

what she is saying is true. through out the week he's been taking me out on multiple romantic dates that was obvious he put a lot of thought to. He even carved our initials in a tree surrounded by hearts to show every by stander that our love is forever and strong as if we were the tree. and as time pass by and the more our passion grow we will revisit our little tree and make our hearts bigger.i know that sounds a little cheesy but I'll always cherish it because it will always remind me of our love even if it's only been a week.

'No, but why would say all that stuff to me and look at me like I was trash?and than kiss April? if he really loved me he would never do that right'

Unless I'm mistaken. I never really been in love before so for all I know this could be how love really is. maybe all I deserve is tough love. maybe my fake parents actually did love me and they was just giving me tough love. is that possible?

'If I tell you all the answers you wouldn't learn anything now would you. just remember you have keep your eyes and mind open. your the only one that can fix this.Kyle needs your help.'

Kyle needs my help? how could I help him I just a weak girl.

'How can I help?"

'Remember when I told you that you were special?' I mentally nod 'well I think it's time for you to figure out how to use your powers'


'Yes powers. oh and darling never refer to yourself as weak. Your the moon goddesses daughter, your the most powerful being on earth.i know your life is messed up and I am truly sorry for that but in reality it should only make you stronger.'

Like always she's right.

'Will you help me figure out how to use my powers?'

'Of course dear you can come to me for anything you need'

'Thanks mom'


I get up and put on the little clothes that did not get shredded during my 'visit' with Ryan.good thing most people most people went home by now or walking down the hallway wouldn't be so fun.

I don't think I should stay at the pack house anymore for now.until I figure out what's wrong with Kyle I can't bare to see him. especially if he is going to be attached to April.

For now I'll survive in the woods.At least now I know that Kyle still loves me.


Again I love the comments I've been receiving so keep it up


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