Chapter One: Introduction

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Once upon a time, in a Land of Wonder, lived a miserable Queen.She ruled the people fairly, but fairly wasn't nice, yet her heart was darker than pitch.She was extremely tall, but skinny as a twig. She wore a skin-tight black dress, as well as a large golden crown on her tiny head. Her skin was pale as snow and her eyes black with evil and hunger for destruction. She had a desire to enforce her dark will on more areas, even though she already ruled all of the Land of Wonder. She sent her loyal henchman to watch out for the stars, to find her the perfect land for her to invade, as well as plunder. A few nights passed since then, the henchman still found nothing. He was extremely scared, since the queen could give quite a beating if things didn't go her way! Then, when he was about to leave his tower and tell the queen of how terrible his results were, a voice suddenly called.
"There is no need to feel appalled!" The henchman looked around as he walked into his room, he saw a face in the mirror next to his bed, which - at least once a month - showed one dead face. The face was pale and feminine, with blue eyes and dark grey hair, yet her skin was extremely young and spotless.
"What secret is it you haven't yet shared with me?" The henchman asked the mirror, staring at it in disbelief, for it had been ages since it spoke to him
"There is one place which your queen may attack, with her abilities I'm sure she'll succeed."
"Of what place do you speak? I ask you to concede this secret to me."
"I speak of a planet, called Earth. You must've never heard of it, but I tell you, I speak of no fiction."
"Then we must persuade the queen to this notion!"
"Bring her here and we shall tell her!"
"I thank you, without you, I would have been covered in slime or fur!" The henchman hurried off to his queen and brought her before the mirror.
"What is it that you have to show me, Mirror?" She asked, her voice almost seductive.
"I have to show you, Planet Earth, but you know the rules." The mirror said. The queen rolled her eyes.
"Argh, fine then. Mirror, Mirror show me your worth and show me Planet Earth."
"Was it that hard?" The face suddenly faded away and displayed Planet Earth. "Here we have it."
"It's perfect. I will do it as I see fit; destroy it from the inside. I ask you to send me five humans, whom I will turn into monsters, which shall make Earth fall to its knees before me." The queen left, her henchman followed her.
"How will you do all this, my Lady?" He asked.
"How many monsters do you think I killed?" She asked.
"Erm... A lot...?"
"Exactly. All of those are kept in a special place, I will use them to manipulate these humans to my will."
"A very evil plan my Lady... What will you do to the monsters after you take over Earth?"
"I haven't decided yet, I'll see how useful they are. If they are loyal and do my bidding, I will let them live, do whatever they like, maybe even rule over Earth. If they are, however, dense enough to play up, I will dispose of them."

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