Getting Started!<3

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So just a warning this is one of my first stories i wrote and published so it might not be all that good .. just lettin ya'll know!! 


I woke up to a sudden jerk. "Renea! Are you ok?!"  I heard Niall scream. "Yeah.... just the dream again." I moved my bangs out of my face and cuddled into Niall's chest on the queen bed. "Wanna tell me what happened this time instead of brushing it off?" I shook my head in memory of the day of Mom's death. "No not really.'' i looked up at him... "Well baby if you ever need to talk you know im always here right?" "Of course i do!" i gave him a peck on the cheek before turning over to fall asleep again. 

~skipping the dream~ 

"Babby? Come on i gotta gooo!" Niall shook my shoulder. I looked at the time and i saw the clock said 1:30p.m  "Babe why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" i jumped out of bead thinking i was going to be late for school as he was work... im 19 and in college for musical technology, like in recording stuidos and shyz like that... but only in a community colloge for now... "Sorry babe you were actually sleeping ok for once i didn't want to ruin it." he hugged the back of my waist and kissed my neck. "Dont worry bout it next time. I'll do anything as long as it's for you." i hugged him once he let go of my waist. "Anything?" he raised an eyebrow. "Not like that!" i playfully punched his arm. "Haha." he grabbed his arm then mine. "I love you baby girl." he kissed my cheek. "i love you to babe." and i ran to the closet and picked out a shirt jacket jeans and shoes. i opend the door of the bathroom *forgetting i was only in a bra and shorts* to grab the shirt off our bed and i hear a wholf wistle "Niall!" i turned and gaseped. "Yah?" he asked biting his lower lip. "No." is all i said and walked in the bathroom i did my hair and make up then walked out. "Niall you ready?" i walked down stairs to Niall eating a bowl of cereal. "Ya hold on." he walked in and put his bowl on the counter. "Alright." and we left. 

~arivation lol~ 

"Alright Baby girl I will see you later." Niall unlocked the doors and sweetly but quickly pecked my lips. "You to Babe see ya. Love you!" i opened the door and ran up the side walk to the college doors. he rolled down the window and yelled "Love you to baby girl never forget it!" and blew a kiss. i caught it and blew one to him. 

I clutched my heart and walked through the doors, My friend Mariah walked up to me "Hey girl! Your almost late. Go check in, then we're going to the away game."  ok i just remember i am ninteen and still have a little bit of kid left in me. Yes i take school seriously but i honestly would quit if i could.. Niall wont let me though. but im glad because i will have a good job.. not just a drive through window job... which dont get me wrong! as long as your making money but ya know? No? ok. 

So i checked in and we left. "Hey can we stop by starbucks? I didn't have time to stop this morning i kinda woke up late." "Of course gilry! i know how you feel TUST ME!" i laughed. "Oh i do you have to live with Harry." Oh did i mencion that she's dating Harry? Well she is and without her i would of never met the boys which would mean I would of never met the love of my life ~Niall~ so yes i wouldnt even be in the life i am now.. so yeah! 

We got to starbucks and i orderd a MInty Chocolate frappechino ~my favorite~ but then we left for the game. 

We lived in Ireland. And somehow Mariah convinced Harry to live here to but he would do anything for her. 

Alright guys i guess thats the end of chapter one!! short and sweet? no? ok. just a begining chapter... i TOTALLY understand!! 

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