Chapter 13

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Juvia's Pov
We were in the aquarium looking at all the sea animals and I kept asking them questions. "Have you got any sharks yet, if you do may I swim with them?" I asked. "No we don't have any sharks they are too dangerous and why would you ever want to swim with sharks?." the man asked. "Can I swim with the dolphins then or the fishes. Can I-" I was interrupted by the worker. "Would you please shut up" he yelled and walked away. "rude" I mumbled. "Hey Juvia I was wondering if I could ask you something" Lyon said. "Yeah sure" I replied. "Well there's this girl I like but I don't know if she likes me back so idk if I should just confess and get it over with or get loads of fireworks and stuff" he explained. "Just confess, you should withhold the fireworks until you are proposing to her, Anywho who's the lucky girl." I asked wriggling my eyebrows. "Well its-" he was interrupted by a loud smash sound and the sound of rushing water. Suddenly a huge crowed of people came running our way followed by alot of water. "Run" Lyon yelled then ran I followed after. "Hey!! Lyon wait" I yelled. Everyone was running towards the emergency exit. Whilst running I trippedand was about to fall when someone grabbed my hand and began running while pulling me along. Once we were out and all the water sprayed out of the aquarium. I looked up to see the person who was still holding my hand. "Gray!!" I yelled and hugged him. "Well someone's happy to see me" he smiled. "I can't believe Lyon ditched me." I growled. 'that idiots gonna pay. I'm gonna hack into his instagram and snapcahat and post embarrassing pictures of him, mmmmwwwwaaaahahaha. He's my cousin I can't do that to him, wait what if I make him step in a lego' i smiled evily. "Eeeehhhhhhhh......... Juvia your kinda creeping me out" Gray said nervously. "Oh sorry, it's just my cousin Lyon is gonna be in trouble when I find him" I smirked. "He's your cousin!!!! I thought he was your boyfriend" Gray was shocked. "No why would I have a boyfriend when I'm waiting for to ask me out" I laughed. "Y-Y-Y-your waiting for m-m-m-m-m-me to ask you out?" Gray stuttered. "Yeah wasn't it obvious, I left a note at your locker" I smiled

Gray Pov
'ultear must have taken the note. But the good thing is that I know she likes me' i thought then smiled. "Then I'll pick you up at 6 for our date tomorrow" I said then walked away I could hear her squealing in the background. "As long as she doesn't know that we were the ones that flooded the aquarium well live happily ever after" I muttered to myself.
Sorry I know I haven't been updating lately so here's a very short chapter. I promise that I'll have next chapter published by Wendesday. Next chapter will be the NALU and Gruvia dates. Love you all...

🐨FT1 out

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