Chapter 4

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Lucy Pov
It was Tuesday, I hate Tuesday but I had to go to school I was crying at the thought of school and why I needed it when I am already smart and have 11 PhD's, but I decided to stay in school to live the teenage girl experience but now I'm regretting it big time I hate waking up early. I got up and got ready for school. I walked down the staircase of my house. My house is huge well technically it's a mansion and I live here with my dad and brother Sting he is two years older than me he's 19 and in college. I walked out of my house saying bye to all the maids and butlers.
I live in a huge neighbourhood called richville it's full of rich people Erza and Juvia also live here but It's like a fifteen minutes walk too each of there houses. We each live on different streets like I live on Celestial Street, Erza lives on Bakers Street and Juvia lives on Aqua Street. I walked in the park and under a tree and waited there for Erza and Juvia, but instead I was greeted by a pinkette."Hey Luigi, how it going?" he smiled. I blushed a bit, he looks really cute when he's smiles." MY NAME IS LUCY. L-u-c-y, Lucy." I practically screamed in his face. "You don't need to scream Luigi" "It's Lucy" I screamed again, "Chill Luce". " It's Luc-,wait, what Luce???!!!" I questioned "yeah it's your new nickname" he smiled brightly.
"Hey Lucy" I heard Juvia and Erza yell from a distance. They walked up to the tree I was standing at "let's go" they said as we started walking away, I waved goodbye to Natsu as in was walking away I could see his friends catching up to him.

Natsu Pov
Luce waved goodbye to me and I waved back. "Yo flame brain we're gonna be late for school" Gray said walking ahead of me with Jellal right behind him.
"Hey wait up" I screamed chasing after them. "C'mon we we have to catch up to those chicks" Gray smirked. "Wait, why do we need to catch up to Luce?" I questioned. We were currently walking 7 metres behind them, "Luce!!!???" Jellal asked "Yeah Lucy the girl I sat beside with blonde hair the red head that Jellal likes and bluenette that Gray likes friends." I answered with a smile on my face. "I do not like her" they yelled in unison while blushing blushing uncontrollably, I laughed "admit it you find them attractive" "Well yeah Scarlet is cute but I don't like her in that way" Jellal admitted while blushing harder.
"Yeah Juvia is cute and I do like her and I might ask her out" Gray smiled "Really!!!??" Jellal and I were shocked. "I'm just kidding" he laughed and took a picture of our faces "you should see your faces it's now gonna be one of the world's best meme wordy pic ever" he laughed harder as he walked ahead of us, We followed planning our revenge. "Why are you guys so silent" he asked " No one plans a murder out loud" Jellal and I said in unison as we grabbed Gray and walked into the school to give him a swirly.
"noooo guys I'm sorry I'll delete the photo I'll do anything!?" he said as we walked through the school gates and into the first boys bathroom we saw and into a vacant stall. "C'mon guys I sad I was sorry and I would do anything even delete the picture!" he pleaded. I looked at Jellal and he nodded. 'Guess we're gonna do it'

Juvia POV
We walked into our classroom and sat down in our usual places.
"So Lucy how are you doing?" I asked "Not so good I have to keep this big secret from my brother and he is known as one of the best young detective in the world" she cried fake tears. "what about you Erza?" I asked. "I'm trying to keep the secret a secret but it's hard for me when my mom wants me to attend loads of things and my dad wants me either studying or attending some meeting with him since I'm the only child I'll need to take over as the owner of our family company." she complained, "same here the only way I could get away from my brother interrogating me or my father wanting me to attend parties is saying I'm gonna go study with Erza or say I feel sick and I think I'm gonna puke all over the ambassador" Lucy whined. "What about you Juvia?" Erza. "Well my mom usually needs me to model her new fashion designs and when we need to go on a mission during those fashion shows my mom gets suspicion and acts like a detective and my dad doesn't like me leaving the house without anyone knowing so he put a GPS on my phone so he could track me down", I giggled nervously. "how do you get out of your house without your dad knowing? Because you would never and I mean never leave your phone behind" Lucy asked "I'm a hacker" I smiled "Oh yeah" Lucy sighed. Our conversation was disrupted when Jellal and Natsu walked in laughing so hard they could hardly walk then after they sat down in there seats everyones attention was sent to a soaking wet Gray that walked in straight after they sat down he walked over to the seat beside me and sat down, the girls and I couldn't hold in our laughs so we let it out. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha w-w-w-what happened to you?" I laughed. "Your a real tall drink of water literally" Natsu laughed. Gray growled "Yeah but what actually happened?", Erza asked trying to stop laughing. "We were supposed to give Gray a swirly but we couldn't do that to our best friend so we pushed him in the school swimming pool," Jellal started laughing again so Natsu finished the sentence, "so we thought that pushing him in the pool wasn't enough so when he got out we sprayed him with a hose which made him fall back in the pool." We laughed harder we kept laughing until the homeroom teacher walked in. "what's so funny" Mr Clive asked. Then he saw Gray and started laughing when he was done he called the roll and we all went to our next class, swimming. "Hahaha.... Gray we have swimming next are gonna swim in your uniform?" I joked and walked away with the girls.

Grays Pov
'That girl is
Hot I think she's quite cute I might actually ask her out' i thought then smirked as I watched her leave the classroom. I picked up my bag and walked out of the classroom with a laughing Jellal and Natsu. "Will you guys shut up it wasn't that funny" I barked. We walked and when we turned a corner we saw the girls just walk through a wall so we done what every smart person would do we followed them. We were sliding down a slide until we landed on a chair on top of eachother. "Ouch!!" we groaned. "I can't believe those idiots followed us" we looked up to see an angry looking Erza glaring at us. "Barry what do we do with them?" Lucy asked. "Well we could wipe their memories but if we do that we have to make sureties don't find put again because we are only aloud to use it once per person," the man that looks like he's in his mid twenties sitting behind a huge desk said. "OK which one of you would like to test it on them first" Barry asked. Erza raised her hand and barry gave her this camera like device. "Say cheese" she smiled.
"No, no, no" Jellal and I
"Cheese", Natsu
And a large light flashed and everything went black.

Erza's Pov
"Hahahahahaha....... Look at this photo of those idiots and Fernandes' faces" I laughed. "Erza must like that Jellal guy if she's not calling him an idiot" I heard Lucy whisper to Juvia.
I blushed and glared at the two, " I do not like him but I can see you like a certain pinkette" I smirked as I saw Lucy blushing.
Juvia laughed at how red Lucy's face was, "and Juvia is in love with the Fullbuster guy" Juvia stopped laughing and blushed. "Girls we're here to complete a mission not talk about how hot your boyfriends are!" Barry sighed, "They aren't our boyfriends!!!" we screamed in unison. "Yet" he laughed, we all glared at him. "So the mission you have today is to protect the famous Ciel Phantomhive" we all squealed. Ciel Phantomhive is a famous an one of the richest singer in the world. "When do we start!!??" Juvia asked, "Well all you have to do right now is go back to school we enrolled him into your school so he should be arriving any second now you all have to take turns to bring him home because its not safe for Jim in his home, so go protect him" he smiled as he pushed a button that opened a trap door and caused us to fall into the girls bathroom in our school. "Oooouuccchhh!!!???? we have to talk to Barry about our landing." I said "agreed".
We walked out of the girls bathroom to be greeted by our swimming teacher Ms Aquarius.
"Oh if it isn't the three wanna be delinquents that skipped my PE class today" Ms Aquarius scowled at us. I let out a nervous giggle, "we.....Emmmm....we were....Emmmm... We were just cleaning the library yeah cleaning the library right girls" I lied, "Yeah right we were cleaning the library and we are done now so we're gonna go To our fourth period" Lucy continued the lie. We were just about to leave until we were stopped by Ms Aquarius. "Girls, girls, girls school is almost over you only have 2 periods left", "Yeah we know that we are just about to go to English," Juvia said, "oh really, before you go to English class take a trip down to reception with these three idiots and sign yourselves up for detention, see you on Friday after school girls and boys" then Ms Aquarius left with a smile on her face. We walked out of the bathroom and saw the idiots and Fernandes, "Ugggghhhh.... You again" we groaned and started our walk to reception.

Jellals Pov
"what does she mean by you again" I whispered to the guys, they just shrugged and ran up to the girls. So I just ran up to Scarlet. "Yo Scarlet, what's up?" she completely ignored me so to get her attention I started to annoy her. I lifted a strand of her hair and twirled it around my finger and then sniffed it. "Smells like strawberries I smiled at her and she blushed a bit and walked a bit faster." Your cute when you blush" I told her and she started walking faster, that made me chuckle the rest of the way was pretty much quiet, we signed up for detention and I turned to talk to Erza but was interrupted," Excuse me but might you be Erza Scarlet, Lucy Heartfilia and Juvia Locksar?" we turned to see a black haired boy with blue eyes and an eyepatch wearing our school uniform he looks around our age. "Yes we are and you must be Ciel it's nice to meet you"   Lucy smiled. The girls walked up to him and shook his hand, "very nice to meet you too", he returned the smile which made the girls blush.

Girls Pov
'He's so cute'
Boys Pov
'he made them blush like it was nothing, he is going down'

Thank you so so so so so much for reading.
FT1 out

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