Chapter 24 - Our Hopes And Expectations

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All three versions of Peter wind up breaking away to do some other job somewhere, so by the time Sierra gets us to to the nerve center of her operations, it's just her, me, Ricky, Deadpool, and Thea. And Loki, of course.

I'm very, very surprised to see Peter - my Peter, that is - in the room as well, furiously typing away at some computer with a glowing golden screen. Hell, it's not even a screen, not in the traditional sense. Mini-projectors are producing two sides of a holographic image that looks like any old command line interface back home, just a little more yellowish in color, instead of black and white (or black and green like in The Matrix.)

Only now does it occur to me, though, that this Peter is Sierra's version. Does he know I'm here? I don't want to be the cause of a terminal shock to his system - and now he's turning around and watching us all come in, including me. His eyes linger on me longer than anyone else, but he doesn't drop into any kind of kernel panic as a result. Believe me, I would know. I only saw my death scene in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 once, but I'll never forget the look on Peter's face when he saw I was dead. The face of a man dealt a devastating blow from which he might never recover. That, there, was the face of a broken Peter Parker. That's not what I'm seeing now.

"Guys," Sierra says brightly, "meet Blue Moon Peter Parker."

He steps up, scratching a chin with much lighter stubble than the Peter I know. "Soon to be known as Andrew Riddle," he says.

"No relation to Tom, I hope?" Deadpool asks.

"Of course not," says Sierra.

I step up to him, tentatively, hoping he doesn't reject my presence or anything. Not that I need to worry - Sierra wrote a Peter just as cool as Ricky's. "Nice to meet you, Gwen," he says to me.

I can't help myself - I hug him. "You didn't miss me too much, did you?" I ask.

"What kind of question is that?" he laughs. "Yeah, but I already knew you were coming." He lets go of me. "If you wanna avoid confusion, you can call me 'Riddle.'"

"Not to be confused with 'Riddler,' either," Deadpool chimes in.

"That too," Riddle says before turning back to his screen. "Okay, so...we got one big craft incoming, and Heimdall says to expect more behind it."

"How many more?" asks Loki.

"He won't say. But he thinks the one big craft is different from all the others."

"What, so it's not the vanguard of Marvel's next wave?" I ask.

On screen (I seriously can't think of the display as anything else), I watch as Peter calls up a radar image of the edge of Asgard. A number of fighters are flying out into space, while a larger shape, a sort of super-flat V, flies in towards the city. One fighter goes after it, stops about a hundred feet away (if my guess about the radar display's scale is correct), then moves back into Asgard, with the newcomer following it at the exact same speed.

"They must've tractor-beamed it," says Sierra.

"They did," Ricky says.

"And who are they?" asks Loki.

Before Ricky answers, I somehow know what he's going to say. "Peter," he says. Yeah, I called it.

"Wait, who authorized him to fly a fighter?" Loki asks, flabbergasted.

Sierra snorts out a laugh. "Who do you think?"

Loki's shoulders slump. "Videl, you little prick..."

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