chapter 28

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Baileys POV

I was in the car with my brothers when I got a text, it was Alex!


B-hey, I am so sorry about last night!

A- don't worry about it!

B-okay :-)

A- so I was wondering if you wanted to come over later, I'm having my band over to, if you don't mind?

B-your in a band?! awesome! I will be there, I want to hear you play

A-haha okay be here by 3

B- okay :-)

A- will I gotta go bye, love you

B- bye love you too <3

omg he said he loved me!

"Bailey what are you so happy about?" Kyle asked,

"what I'm not allowed to be happy?" I asked,

"nope" he said and smiled, I licked my tongue out at him,

* at Alex's house *

" hey" Ale said opening the door, he grabbed my hand a dragged me in,

"yo guys this is belly button" he said with a smirk,

" can you quit calling me that" I said smiling

"okay belly button I mean Bailey" he said smirking, I licked my tongue out at him and we all laughed,

"hey" I said to a boy with dark curly hair, and a boy with black spiked hair

"hey" they all said,

"this is Jake, Brandon," Alex said

"so who plays what?" I asked,

"Jake is the drums, Brandon is bass, I'm electric guitar" Alex said,

"who's the singer?" I asked,

"will she moved away, so that's why your here" he said,

"me? I can't sing" I said,

"we will be the judge of that" Alex said, and passed me the mic,

hey I know this is short but I'm tired, please vote and comment!

My Older Brothers (in editing) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now