Chapter 15

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hey, I am sorry if this chapter is going to be short, I am looking after my great grandfather, and I got to make sure he takes his pills and make him his supper and all that, so I am back and forth so this chapter might be short. Thanks for understanding.

Baileys POV

My foot kills, and every time there is a scary part Kyle jumps and strikes my foot,

"Oww" I yelled,

"Sorry" Kyle said for the 50th time,

"Can you move or something?" I asked Kyle,

"Fine" he said and moved over,

"ahhhhh!" Kyle screamed and jumped up into my arms,

"Seriously Kyle, seriously, that wasn't even scary"  I said

"Psst I wasn't scared, I just saw a bug on my foot, psst" Kyle said, I rolled my eyes,

"Ummm Kyle?" I said,

"Yeah" he said.

"Can you get off of me now" I said, but before he could answer me I pushed him off, 

"Well that was uncalled for" he said rubbing his butt, I smiled and looked back at the tv,

*After the movie*

"Wow that was totally not scary" I said, and Hailey agreed,

"What did you guys think?" I said looking over, they were all huddled together. Hailey and I rolled are eyes,

"Will  I am tired, I don't know about you guys but I am going to bed" Luke said, everybody else said that they are going to go to bed too, so Luke came over and picked me up,

"I will put the brat to bed first" he said smirking at me,

"Meany, I don't like you anymore" I said and pouted, he laughed and said

"You know you love me"

"Ehh" I said and than smiled,

"You will get Ehh in a minute" He said and laughed, he brought me up to my room and put me in my bed, Hailey made a bed on the floor, Luke tucked me in and kissed me on the forehead,

'Night sissy" he said and than left.


I will probably have another chapter up in about a half hour lol but still vote and comment, thanks!

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