chapter 56

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Baileys POV

I could woke up in a hallway, it was the hospital, what would I be doing out here,

"where is she?!" I heard Brandon shout,

"In that room over there!" The doctor said, they started to run towards me,

"Hey guys!" I shouted but they just kept running, they ran right past me and into a room, I followed, they were crying and were surrounding a bed, I walked over to the person in the bed and saw me? how was I in the bed if I'm here,

"Oh my god, my baby!" I heard a woman shout, I turned around and saw mom, and a man, it must be her boyfriend, my brothers moved back to let mom have a turn, am I dead, I can't be,

"Hey guys I'm okay, I'm right here!" I shouted, but they never noticed, just like that a man came in,

"I'm so sorry, I thought she was a coyote" A man said with eyes full of guilt,

"Its okay, it was a mistake" My mother mumbled, just like that a beeping noise was going off and doctor rushed in, and everything started to go black, everything was black and the noise of the doctors were gone, than a light appeared with a man standing there, I walked towards the man and he looked familiar, dad!

"Daddy?!" I said asked confused, he smiled,

"Princess!" he said and hugged me,

"I miss you daddy" I said, a tear rolled down my cheek,

"I missed you too, are the boys taking good care of you?" he asked,

"Yes daddy" I said, he pulled me away and got down to my height, he looked into my eyes and smiled, I heard people crying and I looked behind me and saw my mother and my brothers in the hospital room, while the doctor was telling them something, I looked back at daddy,

"Am I dead?" I asked,

"You still have a chance, you an come with me, or go with your mother" He said,

"But I don't wanna leave you or mommy" I said,

"Go with your mother, I love you princess!" he smiled, and he started to fade away,

"Daddy! No! Daddy!" I cried, but he left and I blacked out, I opened my eyes and saw my mother, she looked up,

"Thank you thank you thank you!" she said looking up to the sky, she kissed me over and over again, the doctors came rushing in and they did what doctors do, I looked over at my brothers and they had blood shot eyes, I looked away and when I looked at the corner of the room I saw dad and smiled and said

"I love you" and then faded away,

hey what did you think, its short I know but tell me what you think, please vote and comment!

My Older Brothers (in editing) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now