Chapter 1: Happy Birthday!

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Note: NEW STORY!!! – Sorry if you find mistakes, I didn’t have a chance to edit! Enjoy!!!



A vent clattered on the ground.

“Careful!” A male voice screamed in her head. She winced. Zipping up her black jumpsuit all the way Andy jumped down from the shaft. Her black hair was pulled back into a ponytail that swung as she landed. Andy was a small girl, standing at 5.5 she wasn’t the tallest person, but she could take down someone twice her size, some would say three times her size. She was skinny, but very agile. Not someone you would suspect for a spy, especially since she was only 16.

“Calm your jets Chris! No one-“ She stopped. Two big men were coming down the hall. They had two Glock 44’s in their hands. Not the typical guard weapon, but that wasn’t her problem right now. Slowly she stood up. Her icy blue eye staring at them. Reaching into her back pocket she waited for them to come to her. They stopped and started down at her.

“Name yourself!!” The larger one yelled. They were tall, about 6 feet. Large, bald and wearing black suits. They had sunglasses over their eyes, and were holding the guns with both hands. Andy looked them over slowly. They didn’t seem much of a threat, strange for a top secret company not to be tight on security – then again WAPP was one of the best spy agencies is the world.

Andy was recruited to WAPP when she was only 7. Her parents were caught and killed in a mad mans plot. The enemy of WAPP - UPAS. At the time it only seemed like an accident, but a year later she found out her parents were part of a spy agency, and were killed on the job. Better yet, her dad was the chief, top notch at the agency, but her uncle took over when they were killed. He recruited her as soon as she found out; after all she was a daughter of two of the best spies in the world.

At age ten she met Chris, another spy kid, a genius not meant for the field, but for the gadgets. They became partners and with his inside help they were able to sneak into top security buildings, and figure out plans not even the genius had figured out yet. When she was thirteen Chris came up with a new amazing device. It was a chip that attached to the back of your head were, your brain nervous Centre was. It let you talk mentally with whoever else was wearing one. There was a malfunction though, and the chips got permanently stuck. No one else but they had the chips on. So they were stuck with each other inside their heads from then on. It was annoying for two teenagers at first, but eventually it became part of their average life.

Ya, sure! No one heard you!’ Chris interrupted her thoughts.

Shut-up! I don’t see you out here! Oh that’s right, because you couldn’t take down a puppy if you tried!’ Andy retorted back. She heard a groan on the other end.

It was a great dame, and I was ten! Give me a freaking break! And watch out!’ Andy returned her attention to the two large men just as they threw a punch. She ducked down under the arm, grabbed from under and twisted. The man let out a yelp and she held on to his arm and kicked him in the gut, pushing him back. The other one moved as his companion flew past him, then raised his gun, and aimed for her legs.

Huh, not under orders to kill.’ Andy thought while sliding down behind a table, and flipping it.

Ha no!’ His comment made Andy pause. What did he mean by that? Andy gave up the thought as the bullets hit the ground beside her. Beside her. Not through the table.

Hunch was right, definitely not under orders to kill.’ She was testing the guard -  by hiding behind a tipped over table, it would seem obvious to shoot through the table, to kill. This man was not here to kill an intruder.

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