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This is my second piece of writing. It is a bit less calculated than the first, and is largely based on the loose rhyming scattered throughout the "poem", if you can call it that. I didn't have a purpose for writing this; my writers block recently disappeared, and the words started flowing so I wrote them down. I hope you enjoy the outcome of my random burst of ideas. If you spot a mistake, please let me know so I can edit! :)

 Sexual passion throws a match on the mattress, flaring, it just starts to happen and it fashions a flash of such pleasureful actions. Logic crashes and ashes are left; a hot mess of a back's traction is a fraction of the magic that happens in the past tense, but forever will my brain bend images of that great sex into reality for a moment of a masterful match-up of flesh. I captured that moment while it passed as she splashed a pack of scratches on the fractured canvas. Red lines spread fast, as the crack lacks room. Screams absorbed in plaster, the blankets twisted into disaster.

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