Chapter 8

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Well, now the cliff hanger is going to be answered. Yay! I can't stop writing this, I am having so much fun. at the moment I have 19 reads, which is awesome, and thank you! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I still needz mah feedback, but it has still only been a day and a half, and I must be patient. 

~Mitch's POV (you weren't expecting that were you?)~

Eevee turned around to go get her backpack, and I glanced over my shoulder to make sure she was fine. I can't imagine what I would do if something happened to her, she is the coolest sibling I never had (I know he has a little brother, and a sister {I'm not clear of her age}, but lets pretend they don't exist in the story).

I saw her reach the table but then she disappeared from view. I ran back to the booth, ignoring everyone calling my name behind me.

"Eevee! EEVEE!" I called out, looking around frantically. I was about to call the police but I saw her struggling through the crowd, and I couldn't believe no one had noticed her yet.

~Eevee's POV~ 

I can't believe no one had noticed me yet. I struggled just to see who my attacker was,  but was dragged toward the exit of the building. No, I couldn't leave, then there was no way the others could find me. I must've been putting up quite the fight, because it took my attacker forever to make it 20 feet. 

Just as my legs and arms were weakening, I felt the grip around my arms and mouth lessen, then drop. I heard a loud and angry voice behind me as I collapsed to the ground.

"Don't. You. Freaking (It is really a different word, and I really don't like using it). Dare. Try. Anything. Again." I saw my attacker fall to her knees beside me. I looked at her face. She was the first fan I saw. 

"You're lucky this time, bitch, but next time you better bet Mitch isn't there to help you." She whispered to me. I was terrified. Before anything else happened, the security came and took her away. I was still crying on the ground. I felt an arm around my shoulders. I knew it was Mitch. He didn't say anything for about 10 minutes, he just hugged me.

Eventually, he got a call from Jerome, and he put his phone between us so I could hear the conversation.

"Hey Biggums, where you be at?" Jerome asked.

"Um, something happened, I think it would be better to say in person, but Eevee and I are going to go back to the hotel, sorry."

"Uh, ok? We'll meet you guys there later?"

"Hokeyp. Will do." 

End of call.

"Eevee?" Mitch said to me finally.

"Yeah?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"We should go get your stuff, and I think we should go back."


We walked back toward the table, Mitch never letting go of my hand, picked up my stuff, and walked out the front entrance. Not a word was said until was got back to the hotel.

~Author's Note~

That was intense. Just to let you know, I've never put any stories or anything out publicly, so that's why I am craving feedback, I really need to know if I should continue writing, because I love it, but if but if nobody here likes it, then I'll take it down, but I NEED feedback. I, like, I need it to live. Sorry for the short chapter, but I thought it had enough, action-wise, that it would be good. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this installment of Adopted by BajanCanadian, take care.

Adopted by BajanCanadian (A BajanCanadian and Team Crafted Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now