Chapter 15

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To be honest, I have been refreshing the page waiting for 100 reads, it is at 99. I was going to start writing this at 100 but fine then. I just wanted to say, this story has really improved my typing skills. I can type like a ninja. Are you proud of me mom? Actually she doesn't know I write this. That would be awkward. Mom: So you are writing a fan fiction... of a Minecraft YouTuber? Me: Yes... Mom: Alright, your obsessed, I am taking away your computer. Me secretly: Jokes on you mom, Wattpad is mobile :3. This never happened, I just don't tell my mother these things :3. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! 

~Eevee's POV~

I got on the bus the next day, thank god some stranger sat in the aisle, Jackie didn't notice me. I slipped off the bus, pulled my hood up to hide away from everyone. It was working until we got into the hallway. I was shoved, hard, by Jackie's friend (probably dated each other at one point, of course) Nick. I heard him snicker and his friends laugh. Great, she was pinning the most popular people against me, so that if anyone ever talked to me, they would get the wrath of them as well, so now there was no hope of having friends. I just have to ignore them.


I wanted to just hide and run away, preferably back home. But I can't let them win, I can't let anyone like Miss Julia or Stephanie, or Jackie win. If Jackie won, this bullying would last probably all through high school. I can't stand that. If they can see that they aren't affecting me, then they'll stop. I hope. It was worth a shot. 

I just pushed myself up of the lockers and continued walking.

"Oops, sorry." My foot caught something and I caught myself before I fell, but not before all of my books were flying everywhere. I sighed and began to pick up my stuff off the ground. I was going to be late to homeroom going at this rate. I shove all of my stuff into an un-organized pile, and dashed off. I kept a look out for anyone popular, or looking directly at me. Yes that is how much I am ignored here. 

I made it on time. I noticed Jackie was smirking at me, seeing as I was out of breath and barley containing my jumble of papers. I sit in the corner, where everyone, thank goodness, left me alone. I managed to readjust me binder so that none of my stuff would fall out if I was tripped again, which was bound to happen. 

~Time skip of time skippyness #DealWithIt :3~

I dashed out of the classroom when the bell rang, hoping to beat everyone so that I wouldn't get held up. I cut through the deserted cafeteria, getting a weird look from the janitor. I ignored it, and kept moving. I had made it to Mr. Cross' classroom ahead of everyone, and sat in front of his desk as usual. I was out of breath again.

"Evangeline, can I talk to you for a second?" Mr. Cross walked to my desk.

"Uh, sure." Oh gawsh, last time this happened I ended up in a locker.

"I got a phone call yesterday. It was from your parental guardian, Mitch, was it?"

Oh no. I looked down at my desk.

"That is him." I mumbled, I just wanted to pull my hood up and turn invisible.

"He told me that you told him that you stayed in here all day long, helping students divide fractions. Now, I'm not saying that they don't need that, but you know that you didn't stay yesterday." He looked at me as I looked up.

"Er, you are correct."

"Yes, would you care to explain why you were absent all day yesterday?"

"Uh, no, I wouldn't, thanks."


"Fine... um... I was... I can't tell you."

"Why not."

"I just can't."

"Well, I don't know what to say Evangeline, just don't do it again."


That was the end of our conversation. He walked away and began class. I just sat, tuning everything out, I just want to know what I did to deserve this. How is this making me stronger again? Mitch is probably pissed at me now, I am not in the clear with Mr. Cross, my favorite teacher, and I had a constant fear of being in the same room with Jackie alone. I feel like I didn't have a safe place, and there has always been one, even at that wretched orphanage. 

~Time skip because I can and I need to. You don't understand :3~

I walked into English class and walked up to the desk. 

"Excuse me, can I have the work from yesterday please? I was absent." I said to Mrs. Davis.

"Yes, do you care to explain why you were at 2nd block, and none after?"

"No, I really wouldn't care to explain, I just want the work that I missed."

"Oh really?"


"Why won't you tell me why you were absent?" 

Ok, this teacher was really getting on my nerves. I just wanted my absent work, then for me to leave. That was it. Is that too hard to ask?

"Because it's none of your business, so leave me alone." I stalked off before she could reply. I tuned out this class as well. I wasn't interested in the curriculum anymore, I would just have to catch up over the weekend or something.

~Time skip to lunch, because... there doesn't have to be a reason.~

I go outside to the courtyard to find that one place where I can't be seen. I know this place won't last forever, and they are going to find me, but there is no way to the roof. I sit down, working on the new algebra problems, I just have to do the first assignment for every lesson, and luckily the first one is always easy.

I feel a shadow loom over me and I look up.

"Er, hi Jackie, Nick, and... friends." I couldn't remember the other girl's name, it was Jackie's best friend, that's all I know. 

"Hey there... Miss Superior... hows your day been?" Jackie asked me, sounding sarcastic despite the innocent look on her face.

"Well, you know, school is just-"

"I was kidding. Ok, go ahead Nick." She gestured to the tall boy next to her. I'm sure that he played some kind of cool sport.

"Wait what are you doing?" He pulls out a rope and hands it to Jackie as I try to stand up. He shoves me back down and pulls my hands around the bottom of the tree I was sitting at.

"Oh, nothing." Jackie replies.

I felt my hands being restrained and the rope being tied around the tree. I couldn't move my arms at all.

"No, I'm serious, I really need to get to class, the bell is going to ring soon."

"Oh yeah, class, you have journalism next, right? Well, Mrs. Thomas isn't going to be happy, she doesn't appreciate people skipping school, so she said that she might restore me to editor of the yearbook, like before you got here and ruined everything." Really? She is still mad about that?

I didn't say anything. She just laughed, waved stupidly, and walked away. It was nearing the end of November, December was in a few days, and there was a biting wind. I braced myself against it and prepared for the next cold hours.

~Author's Note~

Ok, that was another chapter, I really appreciate the 101 views! It has only been a few days since I posted the first chapter, so thank you guys! I feel loved! Anyways guys, I hope you all enjoyed this installment of Adopted by BajanCanadian, take care.

Adopted by BajanCanadian (A BajanCanadian and Team Crafted Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now