Epiclogue (You see what I did there :3)

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HEY FRIENDS! I got 2 votes, I just realized! It doesn't seem like much, but it does mean a lot to me! This is the final part of the story, and I really hoped you liked it! ALL feedback is really appreciate it! I don't have anymore important words to put here, so yeah! I REALLY hop you enjoy this epilogue, and the whole story!

~Eevee's POV~

I walked down the hallways of what would be my old school. I just had to pack up my locker. 

"HEY! What the Hell! Why are you here!" I heard Jackie screech and walk towards me.

"I am leaving, I don't need you. If I had it my way, I would still be here to ridicule you, and make you feel inferior. It turns out that what you said is true, I do feel superior, because you are mean, selfish, and not very smart." I just shut my locker after stuffing everything in a box and walking fast away. I turned back, to see Jackie dumb-founded, just standing there. She snaps out of it, looks up to glare at me, and probably is starting to run at me, but I am already gone.

~Time Skip~

"Hey guys! EeveeSlaysCreepers here, and I am making this vlog with some updates. I know I haven't been posting videos lately and I will explain that all in my 2 million subscriber video! Speaking of which, I looked through all of the comments, and it seems like a mix between singing, and a Draw-My-Life, so I have an idea. I am doing the draw my life, I have a LOT of explaining to do, and if I get, say 50,000 likes on that, I know that is a lot, but I think we can really do this! If we get that goal, I will do a singing video. We have to break that goal within... let's say a week. But that is all for now guys! I wil see all of you children later!" I turned off my recording, and begin to edit.

~Mo' Time Skips!~

I was drawing on my white-board with my functioning fingers, beginning the draw my life. I drew me as a baby, a cartoon-like baby, with my brother, and my parents. Then I drew me getting older,playing the guitar. I drew a few good memories and them them dying. Thank goodness that I didn't face-cam this, I probably looked like a typical teenage girl, crying and taking deep breaths while eating ice-cream. Living the dream.

I drew me at the orphanage, with the mean girls there, and Miss Julia, and a general scene of what had happened there. Most of what I had drawn was sad Eevee. Then I drew a happy me, being pulled up off the floor by Mitch when he ridiculed Stephanie when he first got me. I remember that day so clearly. 

I drew me at Minecon, I hadn't shared this yet, but I suppose it was now or never. I drew the girl trying to kidnap me, and Mitch being there again. I drew me at school, and all of the bullying. I was going to talk over this, a separate audio file, so they wouldn't hear me eating ice-cream, and so I wouldn't be so choked up. 

I had finally drawn everything in my life, me with my parents, me at the orphanage, me at school, me on YouTube, and me with my family. I decided to make this part a slide show of real pictures I had from Instagram and just saved up on my camera. I reviewed my drawings, and began my audio.

You know how I said I would record a different audio so they wouldn't hear me all choked up? It didn't work. The moment I began I was crying. But I didn't stop talking, I continued. They were not the chest-racking sobs, I was really quiet with them so the audio would be unintelligible. You could just hear the emotion in my voice, but nothing else. 

I edited them together and I posted it. A few minuted since it was up, Mitch came into my room and just hugged me.

"You know that you are the bravest and most honest person I have ever met?"

I just laughed softly.

"And do you know that you are the coolest, most caring person I had ever met?"

Now we were both laughing. I pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming, that I wasn't still in that orphanage. I was really adopted by BajanCanadian.

~Author's Note~

OH MY GAWSH! I feel accomplished. I feel awesome that I had finished this, and I REALLY loved writing this. You people are cool people. I don't have words, other that I guess check dem YouTubers out. Eevee is a totally fictional character, and I prefer you not to use her or her YouTube channel name. ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THIS INSTALLMENT- WAIT I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED ADOPTED BY BAJANCANADIAN, TAKE CARE! I am excited :3

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