A Sweet Dream

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When we arrived back at my house, Vegeta helped me carry my stuff up to my room while Broly followed behind us. We passed my father in the hallway and he greeted us with a simple smile, then he patted my head and headed down stairs. He was getting ready to go to work so Tora would be staying with us for the night. Usually he spends most of his nights here with my father unless he had to go home for something. Once my father was gone we all walked into my room and I closed the door behind us. Broly and Vegeta sat down on my bed while I dug through the bags and pulled out the two shirts, the jeans and the shorts that Vegeta had gotten me. I was about to take off my jacket when I remembered all the cuts on my arms. I didn't want them to see those...I excused myself from the two of them and rushed to the bathroom. I threw my jacket off and quickly grabbed some wraps out of the cabinet. I carefully wrapped up each of my arms until no cuts could be seen and then I made my way back to the room.

"What's up with your arms, Kaka?" Vegeta asked when I walked back into the room.

"Oh...I have a rash...and I have to keep it covered up." I lied. He didn't look convinced but he let it go. I walked back over to the clothes that Vegeta had bought me and I changed into the jean shorts and the Pokémon tang top. I turned toward Vegeta and Broly and earned a whistle from both of them. I blushed darkly and turned all the way around for them, flicking my fluffy tail slightly. We all laughed and then Vegeta pushed the other shirt and jeans toward me. I nodded and quickly took off the shorts and tang top. I placed them gently on the bed and then pulled on the skinny jeans and the Skillet shirt.

"Both outfits look completely amazing on you, Kakarot!" Vegeta smiled.

"You really think so, Geta?" I asked shyly.

"Of course I do!" He exclaimed as he jumped up and hugged me. I giggled softly and returned his hug. I changed out of the skinny jeans and t-shirt and went over to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt and changed into those before I joined my friends on my bed. We talked for at least a couple of hours until it was time for them to head home. I walked them to the front door and hugged them both tightly. They returned my hug and said goodbye to me before they both got into the car and took off.

Once they were gone, I closed the door and went into the kitchen to look for something to eat before I got ready for bed. I searched through the cabinets and the refrigerator, only to sigh when I found nothing. We always struggled to keep food in the house and we're already behind on our bills. I'm surprised that nothing has gotten shut off yet. I was so lost in my search for food that I didn't even hear someone come into the kitchen until they cleared their throat. I squealed a bit and turned around quickly, only to see my dad's boyfriend Tora standing in the doorway with a big bag of food.

"Are you hungry, Kaka?" He asked as he walked over to the table and sat the food down.

"Yeah...a little..." I said softly. Tora chuckled and motioned for me to come over to the table. I slowly walked over to him and watched as he pulled out a container of Chinese food.

"Here son. I know it isn't much but I've got to save some for your father and brother as well. I already ate mine." He smiled. I took the container and gave him a small smile. I opened it and saw that it held my favorite. Lo Mein with shrimp.

"Thank you, Tora. I really appreciate it." I said gently as I grabbed a fork and sat down to eat. Tora sat down beside me and talked with me while I ate slowly. I always liked talking to Tora. He always made time to listen to me whenever I needed someone to talk too. He was like another father to me and a couple of times I almost caught myself calling him papa, but I didn't because I wasn't sure if that's something he'd want.

"So Kaka, did anything interesting happen at school today?" He asked.

"Oh um...we got a new math teacher. He seems really nice and everything so I hope that it's a good year in that class." I said quietly, not noticing that my face was turning red.

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