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The students cautiously  jogged through the maze. Finally, they arrived at the center of the maze, and looked around, making sure they have a safe place to take a small break. "It's clear." Killian said as he sat down next to Jack. Jack was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, his head thrown back making it rest against the wall. "We should keep moving." Eve said, looking around carefully. 

"Not everyone has demonic regeneration. We need rest, ya know..." Jack mumbled, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. Eve and Killian looked at him in shock. "What? You think you can get into my mind without me getting into yours?" Eve opened her mouth as if to say something, but she was interrupted by Jack suddenly standing up. Killian and Eve turned their attention to what Jack was looking at. 

Behind them stood a cloaked figure. The figure pulled their hood back to reveal Cry holding a crossbow in his hands. "Ya know, I've always wanted to kill an angel," He aimed the weapon at Jack's head, causing panic to flow through the other two students, "but he wants you alive." This caught Jack off guard, filling him with panic as well. Suddenly, Cry aimed the crossbow right at Killian's chest, and shot. 

Jack tried to stop Cry from shooting or throw off his aim, but the bullet still hit Killian. The bullet barely missed his heart, but punctured his right lung. Killian shrieked in pain and collapsed onto the ground, his blood painting the cement floor scarlet red. Eve rushed to Killian's side, while Jack watched in abject horror. Then, Cry kicked Jack to the floor, making Jack fall to the cement with a loud 'thud'. Jack was about retaliate when he felt a warm liquid on his hand. He looked at his hand and saw Killian's blood. Instead of acknowledging the tears falling down his face, he just stood up. His head hung down, casting shadows on his face. 

When he lifted his face, his eyes were pure white, giving off a faint glow. Cry smiles creepily, "Finally." Cry ignored Eve and Killian, and focused mainly on Jack, or what seems to be him. Pure white wing flared out from behind Jack's back, sending a gust of wind through the small space and made Eve use her arm to block her eyes. Jack pointed one of his pistols at Cry's head with a blank expression, and pulled the trigger. Once the bullet hit Cry's shoulder, his entire body broke into shards of glass, making Jack tilt his head in confusion, his face still blank. He felt a breath on the back of his neck. "You will be brought to the king of hell himself, and no one will save you." Cry said, his voice deep and threatening. Then, Jack felt a deep pain in his lower back. Out of instinct, Jack turned around, making Cry fall from being pushed by the mass of the angel's wings. Then, everything went black. The last memory he had was a bright, white light. 

A/N: IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SO FUCKING LONG!!!! I HAD SCHOOL AND IT ALL SUCK MAJOR DICK!!!! It sucks more dick than a hooker -_-' ... ANYWAY, I know it' really short but please understand that I really wanted to get a chapter out to you guys. I really missed writing tbh. Love you guyss!!!<3<3<3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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