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*Full Warning this chapter is gonna be a little boring but hey the first chapter to any story always sucks (At least to my stories) *

It seems as if that's all it dose is snow here all I see everyday is the white snow falling onto the ground making everything white and freezing cold.Wake me up when it's Monday.  Putting my hair into a ponytail and putting on my sweater I grab my bag before walking out of my dorm, I am greeted by some friendly faces as I walk down the hall exiting to outside. The air is cold, windy with snow at my feet. As I walk to class I text my mom assuring her I'm okay it's my second year at university and my mom is still worried about if I am okay, I do feel bad for her however stuck back home in Philadelphia all by her self maybe I should go visit her this weekend.

''Hey Riles.'' My best friend Maya greets me with a smile she's along side with Isadora or Smackle as we call her.

''Hey.'' I smile at them as we walk to our classes.

''So Josh was telling me that there throwing a frat party on Friday you coming or are you gonna stay by you're self binge watching gossip girl?'' Maya informs me, I laugh at her last words I'm not one of those people who never go to parties and just studies I went to a couple parties since attending here but I just don't like drinking or frat parties I rather spend my weekend doing something more productive.

''Really Maya my uncle Josh again may I remind you he's older than you and you being my aunt is just weird.''  

''He's only two years older plus hey if Josh wants to do some studying I'm fine with that. Also maybe some non-studying wouldn't be as bad either.'' All three of us laugh before exchanging goodbyes and going our own ways.


Today has been extra slow classes seemed like there was an extra hour, the line at the coffee house felt like I was standing there for hours (Although it was probably only ten minutes) Classes was finally over for the day I couldn't be more relieved I met Smackle and Maya at the pizza polar we always usually get together.Walking in I notice Maya,Smackle, Zay and Charlie sitting at a table.

''Hey guys.'' I greet them taking a seat next to Charlie and Smackle. I order myself a ice tea while picking at my purple manicured nails listening to everyone talking about last friday's party I didn't go I spent the weekend back in Philadelphia with my Mom and grandparents.

''You missed hell of a party last week Riley.'' Zay says eating another french fry.

''Yeah?'' I smile.When I was in high school I had no friends and never went to any parties but I always said that's what college is for Fun. But now that I am in college I barley ever get out to have any fun I'm either with my mom or studying.

''Yeah especially Maya and Evan trying to sneak out of the bedroom together but getting caught by everyone.'' Zay laughs as Maya hits him on the arm.I laugh while chewing on my straw.

''Please I was the whole life of that damn party.'' Maya says crossing her arms, I wish I had Maya's confidence she's always so daring, always at parties, guys always seem to like her I wish I had more confidence like her.But she's blonde with blue eyes and a amazing curvy body I'm just tall and awkward.I hear laughing from behind I turn around and see the football team had just walked in including Lucas Friar.

''Riles just talk to him.'' Says Maya.

''Yeah you been in love with him since like two years.'' Charlie speaks up.

''I can't I'll just say something stupid.'' I cross my arms slouching down in my seat. Maya rolls her eyes.

''Fine if you don't then I will just talk to him for you.'' She gets up I can't stop her being that I am stuck between Smackle and Charlie in a booth.

''Maya stop it.'' I try to stop her but she continues walking over to the boys, Oh god. 

''Hey Maya.'' I hear Lucas's voice. I turn my head to see them.

''I know someone who likes you.'' She smiles he smiles back seeming more interested in the conversation.

''Really?'' She nods before pointing to me all the boys at the table turn there heads to feeling awkward all I can do is smile and wave at him.''Super hot right?'' She says, before he turns his attention back on her. ''Yeah...Not my type.'' Lucas replies all the boys laugh I feel a hurt feeling in my stomach Maya sends me an apologetic look.I grab my bag and run out ignoring Charlie and Maya's yells.

A/N I wanted the first chapter to be better and longer I'm sorry it sucks the next couple chapters are going to be better I promise.Please like, comment and share! Thanks babes <3

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