Chapter 3: Vampire Psychic

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Beebee was dressed like she was going to a Goth bar-ripped leggings, platform shoes, a leather jacket, T-shirt with a skull, and a short skirt. Her boyfriend on the other hand was dressed like he was going to a business meeting. Polo shirt and trousers. They seemed to be complete opposites but there was an unimaginable love in her eyes.

"Bree," she said. "Oh boy, do I have news for you. There's been a rumor in the vampire world, about you and Dylan."

I walked towards her, suddenly interested. "What kind of rumor?"

"You've wounded the vampire King," she said quietly. "You have given others a chance to overthrow him. Become a new leader. But it's creating tension and competition. We're killing each other, and it's not just about who drank the last blood bag. It's happening."

"What's happening?"

"War," her boyfriend suddenly said, flashing me a fanged smiled. "I'm Dennis."

"Are you the one who turned her?"

He nodded, winking at Beebee whose cheeks would've blushed if there was any blood in her. "She's been the babe since I bit her."

He looked so young but because of that I suddenly had no idea how old Beebee was now. With her baby face, it was impossible to tell. The fact that a vampire relationship could last right now amidst all the fighting and killing one another was precious. At least there was a relationship that was long-lasting.

"Where have you been?" I asked Beebee. "Killing people?"

"Day and night," she said. "A lot of vampires have been stalking your house lately. We've been on the lookout, just for you. You owe us, Bree-lee. I can feel the sun warm against my skin, but it won't last forever."

"I can't," I replied, shaking my head. "I've been poisoning my own blood so no other vampire can get it. I can't risk another scenario like what happened in California again. I'm sorry. You'll just have to live out the rest of your time with my blood running in your veins."

"I would've wanted a taste," Dennis sighed, looking out at the night. "But we can't all get what we want."

"Were you a part of Dylan's clan too?" I asked him.

"No-he could never convince me. I'm lucky he didn't murder me for it. But all I can say is that we're screwed if he suddenly realizes who betrayed him." He jerked his thumb in Beebee's direction. Of course she killed one of Dylan's vampires, just to tease him. I was sure it drove him nuts not knowing who the murderer was, but it must've been worse for Beebee who couldn't go back to the clan.

"Does Mason know?" Beebee questioned, biting down on her tongue. I shook my head.

"We haven't spoken since last time," I explained. "But you're still here."

"I promised your father I'd look after you, if I want to live. He would do it himself if he could, but he can't. So I'm your bodyguard and your psychic."

"It'll be Batman and Robin," I muttered. Then I sighed and ran my hands over my face. "Is there anything else I need to know? Hasn't Dylan noticed you've been gone?"

"No," Beebee said, wrapping her arm around Dennis. "I always disappear. I'm his second, but I leave the third one in charge. He doesn't care if I go missing." Then she giggled. "He'll know if I'm dead."

Dennis laughed with her, both of their incisors flashing. I heard the floorboards creek and they stopped. When they realized nobody was coming out from the hallway, they only laughed harder.

I bit my bottom lip before glancing at the clock on the wall. 6:45. I didn't have anything to do so I just decided to relax, maybe sit down and watch TV until I was comatose. Brendon wasn't going to wake up any time soon since he was going to be hungover.

"Well, we should go," Dennis said. "We're hunting tonight."

"Haven't you ever considered drinking from blood bags? No one has to die," I said awkwardly.

"Oh, we're not hunting humans," Dennis said with a smile on his face. Beebee giggled and looped her arm around Dennis. "We've taken to hunting our own kind. It's much more exhilarating. I'm on the blood bag diet."

"Not me," Beebee said, licking her lips. "Bye, Bree-lee."

She and Dennis left and I watched them close the apartment door behind them. What the hell just happened? I rubbed the side of my neck before walking into the kitchen and setting some coffee in the Kurig. In no time there was a fresh pot. I poured it into a coffee cup and closed the lid, placing it on the counter. I also took Brendon's gun out of my bag and set it beside the coffee. However, I made sure the doors were locked before taking a stake with me to my bedroom.

I settled down for the night and gazed up at the ceiling while I waited for sleep to reach me. Sure, I was neglecting my thoughts about the meeting with Beebee. She was sticking her neck out for me while hiding from her ex-leader. Hopefully she could take care of herself while killing vampires. But wouldn't it become noticeable once the vampires went missing? But perhaps it would make up for the sudden decline of New York citizens.

My phone rang just as I was about to drift off. I reached for my phone and glared at the bright screen. It was Matt. I answered and pressed the phone against my ear.

"It's me," he said. "I found something interesting. Think you can meet me at Skylark's apartment?"

I read the time on my clock. 10:30. Brendon was still out cold. I slowly sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

"What did you find?" I asked.

"Something good. Hopefully what I think it is."

"I'm on my way."

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