The first ever! yas!

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Hello there! i just wanted to say that u can now add any sans of any AU you like... But please make me do something, or else i'll die in boredom 😓😓😓

Dare from Just_A_Cool_Girl10 : I dare Ink to prank Error XD

I: Roger that!
VC: Ink, your not gonna enter a war or somethin'...
I: After this i will...
VC: No your no- *sudden realization* ....Oh....Good luck then...
I: Thanks, i need it

After preparations....

I: *Gets whip cream*
Sans (Classic): Are ya' sure you don't wanna bail???
I: A dare's a dare
Sans: Alright then, good luck, your gonna need it *Smirk face*
I: Thanks *Sarcasm*

Onward to war!

E: *Sleeping*
I: *Prepares whip cream*
I: *Sprays whip cream in Error's palms* pffft *Trying hard not to laugh* OMG he'll get so mad 😆
VC: *Spying on him* i'm surprised Error didn't feel the whip cream <:/>
Sans: I know right
VC: Gh! wear did you come from?!
Sans: Shhhh! you'll blow Ink's cover!
VC: Sorry....
I: *Sprays water on Error's face*
E: *Wokes up* Gah! what the!?- *Whipes his face using both hands* *Felt the whip cream* WTFudge?!
I: *Starts running* GET DUNKED ON ERROR!
VC and Sans: *Laughing their butts off*
E: *Chases Ink* COME BACK HERE!
I: NEVA!!!

It's short because it's the first dare, so yeah there you have it
Just_A_Cool_Girl10 hope ya' liked it! Toodles!~

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