Another dare, Yas!

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This dare is from Crystal_Rose_332 : I dare Error to blindfold Ink, then put him in front of a fan and make him believe he's falling XD...

Error: With pleasure *Grins*
VC: I just gained nightmare fuel from that grin of yours (•_•)
Error: Thanks UvU

The preparation

Error: *Gets blindfold* HeY VeLvEt...
VC: Yeah?
Error: ReD oR bLuE?
VC: Seriously? (—__—)
Error: YeS, MeAnInG; GeNoCiDe Or PaCiFiSt?
VC: Oh...(•_•)....Go for Genocide...
Error: AnD i ThOuGhT YoU wErE pAcIfIsT...
VC: I am. It's just revenge because Ink, doodled mah face with markers!
Error: sO?
VC: And they're permanent!
Error: oH XD
VC: Anyway, so yeah, genocide
Error: OkAy ThEn...

The War!

Error: *Surprise tackles Ink*
Ink: GAH!
Error: *Makes a portal sound* SoRrY InK!
Ink: Wait-WHAT!?
Error: *Pushes Ink...In front of the Fan*
Error: *Glitched laughing*
Ink: Wait- Where am i right now?!
Error: YoU'rE sTiLl At HoMe ShOrTy! XD
Ink: *Takes blindfold off* What the?!--- ERROR YOU LITTLE!!!
*You saw that Error is howling in laughter...
*You feel bad for Ink...

[Comfort❤️]   [Laugh as well]
VC: Hey Ink, sorry if you're embarrassed a bit...
Ink: It's fine, really, i'm just glad Error got out of his shell
VC: Hehe, you should've seen your face though, it was priceless!
Ink: *Sarcasm* Thanks *Rolls pupils*
VC: Hey Error, you okay?
Error: *Still laughing* OmFg, I cAn'T bReAtH....
VC: Right....(-_-)
Ink: I still hate what he did (—__—💢)
VC: Well... *Slams pie in Ink's face* GET DUNKED ON BEESH!!! *Runs away*
Ink: *Takes a piece from the pie on his face* *Tastes the piece* Custard?
VC: *From afar* Butterscotch!
Ink: Really? (=__=💢💢)
Error: *Coughing* *But still laughing*
Ink: Error ples stahp (;-;)

Sorry if short, but yeah, this is dared from Crystal_Rose_332
Hope ya' liked it! Toodles!~

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