Dares and Questions! (from each other)

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Well, imma invite different kinds of sanses from different kinds of AUs... A few i heard, but i don't know'em... So please forgive me😓😅😓

Sans (Classic)
G (Gaster!sans)
Ganz (Married to Sensy)
Sensy (Sonatale) (Married to Ganz)
Fresh (WHYYYYYY?!)

VC: Well i'm bored as fudge...
Geno: What does 'fudge' even mean?
VC: *Whispers the meaning of fudge to him*
Geno: Oh....
Sans:Well now what're we gonna do?
Sans: Ok then...
Other sanses: *Gulps*
VC: We ask and dare each other, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Everyone: *Slowly backs away from VelvetCake*
VC: What? chicken?~
Ink: OH NO SHE DIDN'T! *Sassy voice*
Error: *Snort* You know how to sass talk?*Trying not to laugh*
Ink: Yeah, Why?
VC: Anyway, I'll go first!
Reaper: Brace yourselves!
VC: Speaking of which, i dare Reaper to kiss Geno~😌
Sci, Swap and Katana: Oooh~
Reaper: Wut O///O
Geno: Why involve me in this?!
VC: 'Cause you guys are my second OTP
Cross: Then who's first?
VC: Error and Ink~
Error and Ink: *Sweating and Blushing*
VC: *Looks at Error and Ink* What? it's not like you guys are hiding something, are you?~
Error: Screw this, i'm out *Stands up and walks to away from Velvet*
Ink: *Hiding his face in his scarf*
VC: Anyway, Now Reaper, Geno. KISS!
Reaper: *Blushing*
Geno: No way! i'm going to die if i touch him!
VC: Alright then, *Calls Alicia (Oc- Goddess of life)*
Everyone Else: ???

Alicia: Hey Velvet

VC: Hey Alicia, need your help

Alicia:What for?

  VC: Can you remove my friend's curse thing? That
whoever touches him will die... Can you?

Alicia: Sure thing...

VC: K,Thanks!
Geno: Well?
VC: She's on her way
Alicia: *Teleports to Velvet's right side* Okay, so who's Reaper?
Everyone: *Points at Reaper*
Reaper: Sup...
Alicia: *Holding up a empty orb* hold still *The orb is suddenly getting filled with black liquid*
*It's full
Alicia: I absorbed your magic thinga majig (Lol, what)
VC: Thanks Alicia!
Alicia: No biggie *Teleports away*
VC: Welp, NOW kiss
Geno: Are you serious!?
VC: Yes, Yes i am. Now do it!
Cross: C'mon Geno, Just do it...
Ink: Didn't thought you'd be into this....
Geno: Um....Uummm....*Sweating*
Reaper: Ugh! I'm sick of waiting! *Pulls Geno*
Geno: What the?!-
Reaper: *Kisses Geno*
VC,Sci,Swap and Katana: *Fangirling like heck* EEEEEEEE!!!
Reaper: *Breaks away from the kiss*
Geno: Uhhh.... *Blushing cyan like WTFudge*
VC: Omg, we have to make a sin squad!
Sci, Swap and Katana: Totally!
Geno: *Hiding his now cyan face* OMG OMG OMG OMG
Reaper: Sheesh man, calm down... *Also blushing indigo*
VC: I am very happy~
Sci,Swap and Katana: Same~
Reaper: Now, <Creepy voice> My turn
Everyone: *Gulps*
Reaper: I dare..... Ink
Ink: Oh heel no
Reaper: To hug....
Ink: *Sweating nervously*
Reaper: Fresh (UvU)
Ink: Oh, fair enough...
Fresh: Da' hugz bruh!
Ink: *Hugs Fresh*
Error: *Growls* grrrr.....
Ink: *Stops hugging Fresh*
VC: Uh-Oh! Someone's jealous!
Ink: Who is?
VC: Your future husbando Error is!
Ink: F-Future what!? *Blushing rainbow*
VC: Husbando (UvU)
Error: i'M NoT! *Blushing a bit of yellow*
Ganz: Don't hide your feelings Error *Winks*
Error: TcH! WhAtEver *Still blushing*
VC: Who next? cause if none, <Double creepy voice> I will, hehe~
Fell: I will, just so no one gets tortured by *Points at Velvet* her...
VC: Really? 😒
Fell: This is a question to Error
Error: Hm?
Fell: What do ya' feel around Ink?
Everyone: Oooooohhh~~~
Error: I-....Uh-....*Blushing yellow*
Swap: Well? *Smirking at Error*
Error: C-ComFOrtAblE.... FoR SoMe ReASoN *Blushing yellow*
Ink: *Blushing Rainbow* ......
Error: *Hides his now yellow face in his hoodie*
Fell: Hey, atleast i saved you from her *Looks at Velvet*
VC: *Twitching* <Super psycho voice> Hehehehehe....
Everyone: (•_•💦)
Error: HeH, YOuR RiGhT...
Ink: I have a dare... But you ain't gonna like it...
G: It sounds obvious.... I don't like it....
Ink: Not any of you, i'm talking to Velvet
VC: Well shrimp...
Ink: I dare you to kiss fresh-
VC: *Jumps out of the first floor's window* *Stands up and starts running away from the house* NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! <repeatedly>
Everyone: (•_•💧)
Fresh: Not cool Ink, Not.Cool....
Ink: I was just scaring her--
Ink: I hate her so much... Oh Shrimp a triple dare....
Cross: Well...It's a triple dare, sorry bud  (=Y
Ink: Don't remind me....
Outer: Wait.... Didn't she say show it to Error?
Ink: (•/////•💦) U-Uummm....
VC: (Still from afar) YES!!! YES I DID!!!
Swap: Welp, your doomed...
Cross: C'mon, *sigh* let's get you dressed....
Ink: (T^T)

After a few minutes.....

VC: Hey, i'm back....
Cross: C'mon Ink, you can't stay in there forever. Plus it's only once...
Ink: Neva! i'm not losing my dignity!
Geno: Ink if you don't do it i'll.... Um...
Swap,Sci and Ganz: *Stares at Geno* (—___—💬)
Geno: I've got nothing...
VC: If you don't, i'll show everyone your sketch of Error!
Ink: *Le gasp* You wouldn't dare!
VC: Oh yes i would! Cause you showed it to me!
Ink: F-Fine! I'll come out....
VC: (^-^💕) Good boy~
Ink: *Slowly comes out in a maid dress* w-well?...
Swap,Sci,Ganz,Geno and Cross: (0////0💦)
VC: *Takes picture* perfect~... Oh and make sure you say the "What would you like me to do master?" thing to Error...
Ink: Fine, wait--- WHAT?!?
VC: You said fine! so no comebacks!
Ink: The life of me....

Meanwhile downstairs...

Error: *Texting on phone*
Ink: U-Um....*Clears throat*
Error: Hm? Oh hEy In--
Ink: What would you like me to do, Master?~~
Error: (0////////0💦💦) I-.... uH..... *Internal glitch screaming*
VC: *Watching from afar* Oh my gosh that was priceless....
Ink: Omfg! i hate my life! hnnnnggggghhhh....
Error: YoU....LoOk..... Oh gosh what do i say?!.....C-CuTe?...The hell was that Error?!
VC: Oh....my gosh....
Ink: T-Thanks.... Fudge what?! Stop it gay thoughts!
Error: *Stands up in front of Ink*.....
Ink: (O/////O!) U-um.....
Error and Ink: *Subconsciously leaning in*
Error and Ink: *Kisses*
Ink: *Wraps his arms around Error's neck*
Error: *Holds Ink's Waist*
VC: *Faints* I am cherishing this moment.....
Cross: For some reason...
Others: ???
Cross: I'm proud of Ink *Crosses arms*
VC: I'm proud of both of them....
Le Others: 😑😑😑

Shrimp, i did paperjam way too early. Anyway, Hope
you guys enjoyed this part! But first....MINI STRIP!!!

Ink and Error: *Breaks the kiss then looks at each other*
Error: ShORty~
Ink: Hmph! Whatever....
VC: 🎵Ink and Error sitting on a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G!🎵
Ink and Error: *Looks at VC* Shut up...
Error: *looks at Ink* I caN'T BEliEvE iT ThoUGh....
Ink: *Looks at Error* Hm?
Error: YoU GoT tHe CoUrAGe To KiSs Me In A MaId DrEss...
Ink: *Realizes* Sh-Shut up! (>/////<)
Error: HehE~~
VC: The ship has fudgin' sailed~ I am at peace.... Now excuse me as i fangirl in my room~
Error: HeH~
Ink: *Giggle* Night~
Error: GoOd NiGHt~~

See you next time! Toodles!~

Ask and Dare- The Sanses from different AUs! (w/ Me!)Where stories live. Discover now