New Plan

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"Well at least you still have your phone." Said Jase on Skype on my phone.

"That's one thing, I'd be surprised if my dad didn't already hack it to watch all my messages, but now I'm getting a big bloody brute following me around school and listening to all the shit we talk to report it back to my dad. For fuck sake!"

"It's not like you have much friends to talk shit with in the first place. " He smirked.

I looked at him through the camera. "And who's fucking fault is that dickweed?"

He let out a laugh. "You know most of those people wanted status from being your friend I had to stand up for you because you're just to nice to say no. And that being said show me what's hiding under that blanket you're under."

I already knew what he was getting up too...He just needed a very obvious seg way into it.

I let out a burst of laughter, shaking my head at him. "Shut up, you have a shit ton of girl on that phone that just wish you were texting them for their nudes."

His face twists. "Yeah but they're to easy. I want some challenge and they're all skinny bitches I need some curves in my life. Dexter told the boys you got a good pair of curves on you." I watched Jase's clench his fist and the camera started to shake a bit.

That's why he brought it up. I hooked up with Dexter last night and he had trouble unhooking my bra so I started to giggle and he got embarrassed and left.
"You sneaky shit. I knew it. Firstly, everyone knows I have awesome boobs and big hips. I wear clothes that shows it off alright? Secondly, he doesn't know shit because he couldn't even get my bra undone and I laughed his ass out of the room, okay? And lastly, please don't kick the shit out of him tomorrow you already have 3 strikes in your permanent record for the month. One more and you'll be suspended for the rest of it and I can't get through classes without you."

His mouth flicked up when I told him about the bra, but the camera was still shaking. Not as much but still noticeable.

"Oh don't worry about me, little one. He's gonna get what he deserves and he won't know who hit him."

"Calm down there, Bucko. Fuck that shit now. How did your parents take the busts to your bike?"

He laughed:" well the buffing and new paint is coming from my bank account so that's shit."

"So when does your dad assign you your new bitch?" He chuckled.

"He probably has him already he's just been waiting for me to fuck up to use him."

Christian's POV
"Taylor, do we have an applicable security to send with Esme?"

"Yes, sir. But have you thought about approching this in a different way?" Taylor suggested.

I was intrigued to hear what he had to say. I nodded for him to continue.

"Well, instead of just giving Esme a bodyguard that is open and obviously there. Why don't we integrate him into the school as a student and befriend her. Get someone who young enough to look the part and has the experience to protect her. That way she isn't prone to abandon him and we can collect the Intel she doesn't tell you."

The idea seemed foolproof and we could keep a better eye on her.
"Do we have any applicants that can match the requirements of looks and skill?"

"We do."
Taylor slid a file across the desk towards me.

"He matches the ideal look. Skilled in undercover and blending in. Young enough. He worked in the army for 5 years. I think he'll be a good match."

I was impressed. He looked young enough with brown hair and green eyes.

"Can you have him prepared and in the school system by tomorrow?"

"I'll get right on it, sir"

I sent him off with a nod.
I stopped him just before he walked out the door.
"Remember, Taylor. No one must know the plan. Just between you, me and him. I want to meet him first thing tomorrow before the kids leave for school."

"Yes, sir"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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