A for Arsoncliff

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"Morning folks, please remain seated and buckle up, landing will commence in 5"

I strap myself into the seat in which I had been seated in for 12 hours. The sound of buckles clicking irritated my ears.
I look outside to distract myself from the noises. The only word that pops into my head is beautiful.
Lakes and trees crossed the landscape in a way like no other. Too bad I'm not staying here.
The place I'm heading to is a place full of murder and mysteries, nothing alike to my childhood home, with heart warming neighbours and people with decent respect.
I give out a quiet sigh, I have my tickets planned for when I'm coming back, 4 weeks, so I'll have to get moving.
A lady in uniform walks up to my seat. "Got any rubbish, sir?" I nod quickly, then reach into my pocket and grab out a sandwich wrapper.
I hand it to her as she throws it in a portable bin, walking to the next row of seats.
I sit back, I give myself a smile. I've heard about Arsoncliff ever since I was a kid, the stories always excited me, staying up late just reading them, learning and memorising.
I have notes in my bag, some from when I was 12, all about murders and people here, some frightening and others just out of this world.
I plan to interview individuals about their experience here, and hope to get some more.
"Where you heading to?" The guy sitting next to me says, after hours of just silence. "Nowhere", I lie. "C'mon, we're all heading somewhere for someone". I sigh, looking down, "I have no one to look for anymore." I look back up at him, he had short brown curly hair and stubble.
"Sorry about that, I'm Jake Craft, doctor of Arsoncliff" he says holding out his hand. "Curtis Joel" I reply, holding out my hand and firmly shaking his hand. "I hear you're from Arsoncliff?"
"I work and live there, have you heard of it?" He asks, tilting his head slightly to the left.
"Well Jake, I'm a investigator, can I ask you a few questions?" "How bout you wait till we get there? Planes going down, we'll be at ground level in a minute"
I notice the plane tilting slightly down. "I'll pay to get you to Arsoncliff with me" Jake spoke once again. "Are you sure it's no trouble?" He gave out a laugh.
"It's no trouble, afterall, exposing Arsoncliff has always been a dream of mine"

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