A trip worth waiting

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Soon enough, the plane lands and we all get off. I follow Jake to the luggage pickup zone. He picks up a large suitcase and a small case.
"What's the case for?" I ask.
"Doctors equipment" he replies as we walk out the airport.
"I'm gonna call a taxi, are you fine with the wait?" He asks.
"I sat on a plane for 12 hours, I think I'm fine for an hours drive"
He smiles then proceeds to call a taxi.
After a 5 minute wait, a taxi drives over as we put out stuff in.
Before getting in, I grab my notebook and a pencil.
I settle, buckling myself into the seat. "Where you two heading to?" The taxi driver asks.
"Arsoncliff" I reply, as he slowly shakes his head then puts his foot on the pedal.
"So Jake, can I ask you a few questions?"
"Well that's why you're here, isn't it?"
"Yes, well can you tell me a little bit about yourself?"
"Well, there's not really much about me. I moved here with my boyfriend-"
"Yes, his names Jack"
"Sorry for the interruption, but how is the homosexual laws there?"
"Marriage isn't allowed, like any kind of marriage, so I'm moving out with him soon"
"Oh alright, continue"
"There was a job opening for a doctor in the only hospital then, and being as poor as I was, took the job"
"How was it?"
"Terrible, patients kept awake during surgery, you could hear screaming and crying, sometimes they pass out, some don't make it. The floor and roof is covered with dirt and unnamable things. Normally blood stains are found on the operating table, and sometimes the floor. I pass out at times, normally the smell, oh god the smell. The smell of rotting flesh lingers around the room."
"Have you ever considered moving?"
"Want to, took a holiday to get away from there, but the memories are too strong"
"How are the people there?"
"If you're talking about the other doctors, they're like me, poor an desperate for money. However the neighbours on the other hand ranges. Some are quiet from shock, others filled with rage."
"Have you heard of any of the rumours?"
"I lived to see most"
"Can you confirm any?"
"Well, yes, one. Lou Sipher, mind of an insane person, heart made of gold. Lou was a self identified name, with his name being Daniel, Daniel Cliff Harper. Good kid he was, straight A's in school, always made sure no one was alone, then something snapped, no one knows what happened to the poor kid, incident with his parents, he grew up alone after his parents died, made new friends, the ones in his head, telling him what to do. No one really knows what happened after that, it's rumoured that his parents are still alive, just disappointed in what their son became. Had an incident with him once, came into the hospital with stacks of money, wanted some stuff done. Afterwards his eyes glowed, his teeth were sharper, enchanted vision, and some tattoos. Got some other doctors to help me, and a tattoo artist too. Not sure why, but he had thousands of dollars, so I had too. I always feel guilty, knowing he's killing people and I helped him achieve that, sometimes I feel like I'm apart of the murder, so I always pay my respects to the families."

"Sorry to stomp on the interview boys, but we're here" the taxi driver says, as he pulls into an area with a large sign reading; ARSONCLIFF

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