Chapter Thirteen- Heart Attack

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I want to apologize for yet another delay in this story, but it has been for technical and health reasons. I can't promise to update regularly but I will try when I have the time to. So without much further delay, here is chapter thirteen. 



Aro decided to keep his comments about what his "sister" was speaking of to himself, he couldn't deny that these events were his fault. Though, he could not do much without exposing what he was. He reached up his hand and began to rub his forehead. "Fine... fine... you are right, Athen. But what do I do?" 

"You do what you have always done, Aro. You use your simple gifts. You have Felix now, train him. Make him in your image so we can get this finished. I will not leave this village without my new Sister." 

Aro fixed his coat and cleared his throat, even though he hadn't needed to. "Good. Now... I need your help. How will you be with... your simple gifts?" 


Sulpicia couldn't sleep, she was too deep in thought about how she'd tell Aro. She heard the barn door open and she looked quickly over, suddenly feeling nervous as she saw him walk inside. He waited for the door to close before he went to her and touched her face with his hand. 

"Are you alright?" He asked her in a whisper. 

"I hardly know..." Sulpicia frowned, whispering back to him. 



Chapter Thirteen- Heart Attack 


Aldo walked around his home, it quiet and wreaked of death still. He had moved his bed to where Sulpicia's room had been, no longer being able to stand to sleep in the same room in which he lost his wife and adopted son. 

He let out a sigh as he began to light candles, not wanting the home dark anymore. What once was an escape for him, now was a death sentence. The dark wasn't safe, neither was his thoughts or that room. 

A thump on the roof caught his attention as he looked up quickly, breathing in deeply at the sharp sound. 

'The weather!' He thought. It just HAS to be the weather! 

If only, if only....

He waited a moment to gain the usual silence, to see if he heard another sound. But there was nothing. This made Aldo sigh in relief, a chuckle leaving his thin lips at his own mind, his imagination was running wild and all it was doing was making him worry. 

He turned to walk back to his rooms, but was struck with such a strong force that it made the breath leave his body. He shouted in fright, losing his balance rather quickly and felt himself begin to fall.

But whatever struck him, did not allow him to fall. But instead, caught him and slammed his body up against the wall. Candles on the nearby table fell to their sides, casting light around whatever had struck him. As his vision cleared, blurrying from the fast movements he then realized that he was against the wall, fully alone now.

But in front of him was a shape of a person, fully hooded in a black cloak that covered his or her face. The only thing that was seen was the lips, bright red but held a sadistic smile that made him shiver. He pressed himself back against the wall, squinting his eyes to see who this person was. 

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