Chapter Nineteen- Bleed To Feed

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   Hello! I wanted everyone to know that the last chapter(s) will be posted today, Sunday December 8th. I only say today because it is after midnight, currently Sunday morningish that I posted this chapter. 

  The sequel to Castle Of Hearts will be started/posted in a couple of weeks, or a month depending on when I return home and feel like/am able to begin writing on it. I have some things coming up regarding my health, so I ask all of you to please be patient with me and check in for updates in the sections of my works. You have two you can choose from, one is for this story and future sequels exactly and the other is for myself and other stories/this one in general.

  Those two options would be:

  Away To Neverland's Story Information


  Castle Of Hearts - Characters Guide

  If you have anything you want to ask me personally you are more than welcome to speak on my comment section on my profile page, or send me a message to my inbox. And even commenting on the two things I listed above.

  If you are a new reader to this story, welcome and thank you for giving it a chance! Please again, new readers and others who have been following this story (to those of you who are, I send my great appreciations to and yes, even to new readers as well) to please be patient with me, I cannot update every day as much as I would like to but I don't find it good for me to if I am not inspired for the story at that moment in time. 

  But either way, still remember that there will be a sequel when I have return and am able to begin my writing again, thank you all for the support, the votes, and the very nice comments I have recieved. If you all read this story and would like to look at my other stories, they are all listed except a few I have deleted, which are also on my fanfiction account (the link is in my profile) and I will return it to here if you request it.

  With that short update being said, here is Chapter 19 of Castle Of Hearts, the ending coming soon.


  Chapter Nineteen- Bleed To Feed


   Sulpicia went to strike forward, but suddenly was away from the group that had been before her. She looked around in confusement, anger rising up inside of her as the burning sensation seemed to scream its own anger within her.

  She felt hands grab her face in gentle manner, her eyes focusing onto Athenodora in front of her, a smile on the woman's face. "Now, now my Darling Sister.. do not rush for your first feed, they bleed to feed you, enjoy them with simple pleasure and waste not. Aro will show you how, you must learn from your maker." Athenodora spoke in a soft voice to Sulpicia, who stared at her wide eyed like a child learning something new and extrodinary for the first time.

  "He.. he will show me?" Asked Sulpicia, shocked by her own voice at how different she sounded to herself. Like bells! Like beautiful music to her own ears, she'd never have dreamed such a thing to leave her own lips. 

  Athenodora said nothing, but simply rested her hand beneath Sulpicia's chin and turned Sulpicia's face towards the crowd of men. Beyond them was Aro, his hands resting behind his back as he sent Sulpicia a comforting smile. She felt herself smile out of reflex, curiously watching him. She barely noticed when Athenodora let go of her, she even barely noticed her own body was moving until she was crawling towards the edge of their hiding place to see closer.

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