Chapter 2 - Staying Hidden in a Room For A Week

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To the people who saw my Author's Note: I think I was over exaggerating a little bit, I am super sorry for you guys who was cool with it, it is not. The picture on the top is how Lily's bedroom look like. Again I am so very sorry. I hope you could forgive me and understand! Thank You! Enjoy!
Lily POV
HE IS MY BROTHER! YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME RIGHT! HE IS CRAZY! Calm down Lily and think about it, if Rido is his uncle and mine, that means we're related. "How are you sure that I am your sister?" "When I was two my sister was taken away from me by Rido named Lily, and you said you were captured by Rido." "So since you are my brother, can I call you Kana-ni?" "Yes, you can." "Thank You!" But, then I felt something wet on my face and Kana-ni wiped it away and asked: "Why are you crying, Lily?" "I don't know why I am crying and how did I start to cry?" Then he pulled me into a hug. "You can cry all you want, you don't have to worry about Rido, you are safe here."

Kaname POV
She continued crying and cried herself to sleep. Then I hide her presence so no vampire will question and brought her to the dorm since the class is still going. I brought her onto a bed in a room right next to mine so I can let her stay in the room for one week to protect her and ask headmaster to enroll her to the night class. But, how should I tell her?

Lily POV
I wake up to see that I am in a different room, I look around to see nisan in thought near the window. "Kana-ni, where are we?" "Oh Lily, you're awake, we are in the dorm room that you will stay in?... Can I ask you something?" "Yes, what is it" "In order to protect you can you stay in this room for one week and after that you can go to class with me?" Let me see since I have nowhere to go and stay... Wait why am I thinking about leaving I finally found my brother I should stay with him...

Kaname POV
She was in thought for a while, then she said: "Ok Kana-ni I will listen to you." "Okay, now Lily can I leave I need to go to class." "You can." I left and closed the door and started to walk to the headmaster's office in thought. Now let's see I need to tell everyone in the night class to not go into that room and ask headmaster. But, some students will be suspicious like Aido.
I was in front of the headmaster's office and knocked. "Come in. Hello Kaname, how is Lily?" "Lily is in the dorm right now. Can I ask you something?" "What is it?" "Can Lily go to class with me in one week?" "Yes she, wait she is a vampire?" "Yes, she is my sister Lily Kuran, the first princess of the family that was captured by Rido." "Are you sure?" "Yes" "Then yes she could go to the night class, I will need her to come over tomorrow to get her measurements for her uniform." "I will bring her. Now will you excuse me, I will have to get back to the class." I was about to leave when "Wait, are you going to introduce her to the class." "Not yet, not till she is going to class." and I went out. I walk to the door of the classroom and went in. "I am sorry, teacher for being late, I had some important things I had to attend to." "It's okay Kaname." And I walk to my seat and took my book out.

When Class ends:
Kaname POV
Finally class is over as I start to walk to the door to go back to the dorm. While walking to the gate I see Yuki and said "Hello Yuki" "Hello Kaname-senpai." Then I see Zero glaring at me so I left. When in the dorm, I said: "Everyone I need you guys to listen to me." When everyone was looking at me I command "No one will ever go into the room next to mine, especially you Aido." "Yes, Lord Kaname." "You can all go to your rooms now." When everyone left, I went to Lily's room to see that Lily is sitting in a chair with a nightgown on, looking at the window. I closed the door behind me and sat on the bed. She looks so pretty near the sky.

Lily POVI know nisan was on my bed, so I look to him and said: "Welcome back, Kana-ni

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Lily POV
I know nisan was on my bed, so I look to him and said: "Welcome back, Kana-ni." He was staring at me, so I walk up to him and waved in front of his face and said "Anything wrong Kana-ni." "Oh, I'm sorry Lily I was thinking." "It ok. Now Kana-ni don't you need to rest for tomorrow." "It's ok, I can rest later." "Ok" "Lily, I notice that you have a nightgown on, where did you get it?" "When you were still in class headmaster came for a visit and gave me this nightgown and also to get my measurements." "Oh, ok." "Kana-ni can I go to sleep?" "You can." I went to the bed and laid on it, then nisan tucked me in and said "good night Lily" and kissed me on my forehead. Why is my heart beating so fast when he did that?

Kaname POV
I left Lily alone and locked her door just in case Aido didn't listen and Went to my room to turn in myself.
Thank You to the ones who saw the Authors note and was cool about it. Also, thank you to @lone_wolf023 for commenting a positive comment in the Author's Note when you saw it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight, I only own my OC Lily.

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