Chapter 11

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Okay I forgot to make a new chapter. So that's why I'm publishing so late.

Enjoy reader Chan!

The cart was slowly pulled up backwards. And when the back hit the top the cart was released. Tamaki was screaming his lungs out and clinged onto you. You just sat there having fun.

After the ride you went to a candy shop and bought cotton candy. The twins suddenly grabbed it from your hand and ran away. You ran after them but got exhausted soon.

The twins had eaten your cotton candy. You we're really angry at them and tried to grab their hair. But they were too tall to reach. After a while you got bored and went on the newest roller coaster in the theme park.

The rest of the host club went to a different attraction. You didn't know that and when the ride was over you looked around but didn't see anyone.

'Where could they have gone?' you thought. You sighed and went to an ice cream stand. It was really hot tland the ice cream cooled you off.

After you finished eating your ice cream you went on several water attractions. They were really fun. There was only one attraction you found really scary. The whole day you haven't gone on that ride yet. And since you still had time you decided to just go on that ride and face your fear.

'Wow that actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would' you thought after the ride ended. When you went through the exit you saw the host club and Chi. You sneekily walked behind Chi and scared him. He screamed and ran straight into a river. All of you started laughing and helped him.

"Hey Y/N you ready to go back?" Haruhi asked. "Yeah, let's go" you replied. You all went back to the car and went back. Today was one of your best days.

The rest of the weeks you just watched anime and stayed home because the weather became really bad. "It's raining for almost five days straight. When will it ever stop?" you said.

Haruhi came by sometimes and talked to Chi. Today Haruhi was here too and talked to you. "So school begins in a few days already " She said. "Yeah, I wished it would last longer" you replied.

You decided to watch movies for the rest of the day. Most of them were  horror and anime movies. Most of the anime movies were had sad endings. For example: neppi kairiku bushi road and hotarubi no mori.

At the end of those movies you were  crying like a baby. "Why, why did this have to end this way? Why can't they just be together?" You said.

It was already evening and you made dinner. You decided to make pancakes. Chi always loved the pancakes you made. And since it was his birthday tommorow.

You went upstairs again and listened to music. Haruhi was talking with Chi and left after that. After a while you got tired and fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up early. You decorated the room and called the host club over. Shortly after they were already there.

They also started to help you with making food and decorating some more. When Chi came downstairs you all congratulated him and gave him presents. You just gave him the new volume of his favorite manga.

You all talked the whole day and ate the cake. "Hey, would you guys like to stay the night?" Chi asked. "Sure" the twins replied. "Yeeey a sleep over! I've always wanted to do that" Honey said. The rest also agreed.

You all decided to watch a movie. Chi chose a movie and started to play it. You sat down on the couch. Tamaki sat down on the same couch not too far away. 'Why does he always have to sit next to me? I'm getting so nervous every time. He's making me feel like I still have a chance.' you thought.

After a while you relaxed a bit more and focused on the movie. It was an action movie 'Typical something Chi would choose' you thought. It was also a funny movie. One of the best action movies you've seen. It was named deadpool. It has already been out for a few months already but you've never had the chance to check it out.

Suddenly you felt something heavy on your shoulder. You looked and saw that Tamaki had fallen asleep and probably fell onto your shoulder. You blushed but still unoticable. He looked too damn cute.

After the movie ended you slowly lifted up Tamaki's head and placed it down on a pillow. Then you turned off the TV and got bed sheets for everyone that now were  laying on the ground. You were the only one still awake.
You were tired and went to bed.

I worked on this for two days because I had a little writers block and had to think up something for this chapter. I'm going to the stables this evening. Just need to wait 1.40 hours. I hope my mom is a little less scared yo use the whip. because the horse she rides is really naughty sometimes.
I'll probably update this week. Not sure when but before Friday for sure.

See you next time reader Chan!

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