Chapter 12

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Sorry that I didn't update like I said I would. It's just that school started again and writers block. I don't want to go to school anymore (╥_╥). Well either way enjoy this chapter reader-chan.

Here's chapter 12!

You woke up and stared into the mirror. You're hair was everywhere. 'Must have rolled a lot in my sleep again' you sighed. 'Is the host club still here?' you thought as you walked downstairs.

'Yep, still here's you thought as you saw them laying in funny positions. The twins were  holding each other, Honey was rolled up and looked really cute. Mori looked like a sleeping zombie. He had his arms straight forward and was snoring. Tamaki sucked on his thumb and held a Teddy bear with his other arm.

Chi grabbed his head with both hands. But you couldn't find Kyoya. 'He probably went home already' you thought. Haruhi slowly woke up already and walked up to you. "Good morning Y/N" she said. "good morning Haruhi,  are you hungry? " you asked.  "Yeah,  I'm actually pretty hungry".

You made some pancakes and ate them together with Haruhi. The left over pancakes were put back into the fridge for the boys later. Haruhi went home and you went back to your room.

You have been writing a song for a while and just finished it so you decided to sing it. When you finished the song you started to draw a cover for the song.

You spent a whole hour drawing it. You felt quite hungry and went downstairs to grab some snacks.  You got some chocolate bars and some ice cream and went back into the room.

You watched an anime season and ate all your food. In the evening you put your books in your bag because school started tommorow already.

After that you went downstairs and made diner. You didn't eat much because yeah you already ate all that chocolate and ice cream. you even had some ice cream left.

When you finished eating you went upstairs again and went to bed.

The next morning you put on your uniform and brushed your hair. Then you ate breakfast and brushed your teeth. Then you sat down on the couch and waited for Chi to be done.

Both of you stepped in the limo and drove off. You were shaking a little and felt like your belly was jumping.  You always had this the first day of school again.

Happily you had written down the rooms where you had to be. So you wouldn't get lost. 'The first lesson is in room 103' you thought and went to that room.

When you arrived you saw which subject it was 'Great, first lesson Geography' you sighed and walked inside. You were still in the same class but Chi was in a different class. Haruhi was dissapointed on him because he went to a lower class. His marks were  pretty bad.

There were  also a few girls more in the classroom. They were  all together and laughed. You walked to a table in the back and sat down. Then the lesson started. You almost fell asleep during the explanation but still kept yourself awake.

Then you heard the bell ' Yes, finally! The lesson is over' you sighed. The next lesson was German. It wasn't the easiest language but you found it easier because it looked a lot like your own language Dutch.

The rest if the day went by fast and you went to the classroom Chi should be waiting in. You opened the door but didn't see Chi standing there as he should be. Instead you saw Tamaki standing there.

'What the heck is he doing here?' you thought. "Where is Chi?" you asked. "Oh, well he already went home and asked me to escort you home princess" Tamaki replied. "O-okay, and d-don't call m-me princess. I-it's really irritating" you said.

"Either way shall we go then daughter?" Tamaki said. You let out an irritated sigh and followed him.

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter reader-chan! I know this chapter is published like super late but it's just that I don't have much time left to write and writers block. I'll probably publish the next chapter before next week Thursday.

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