Chapter Six.

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Greyson was at work, the kids were at school and I am home alone, I had to get the train home, my real home where Lillian is, where my life for the past ten years has been. It took over an hour but when I walked through the town it felt weird not being here when it's only been a little over a week, I opened the door to the diner and smile when I quickly spotted Lillian taking someone's order.

"Lillian!" I exclaimed made my way over to her and smiled as I pulled her in for a hug, I missed her so much. "Charlotte, dear what are you doing here I thought you were with your boyfriend!" Lilliam grinned hugging me back even tighter. "Fiance aunty" I rolled my eyes, "I was all alone in the house so I thought I would come and visit you" I told her honestly.

Thomas and Rose wanted to come with me when I brought it up at dinner last night but I had to remind them they were going to school. After kissing all of them on the cheek before they were off I quickly got ready to come all the way here. "You didn't have to come and see little old me" she scolded me playfully but continued to smile at me.

"So, How is it back in London, have you seen your parents, how are they?" she questiond me as we sat down since the place wasn't busy, I thanked April a worker who brang us both a mug of hot chocolate. "There fine, dad misses you, I think him and mum will be visiting soon. London.. is good, different but Greyson is perfect and his kids.."

"His kids?" she questioned cutting me off from saying anything else, did I forget to mention that he has kids to her, oops. I smile sheepishly at my great aunt who doesn't look a day over 50 even though she's nearly 70, "Um yeah, Greyson has a little boy who is 5 and girl who is 3 and there perfect Lillian, good thing is they love me" I laughed making her smile at me again.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate, "Are you really happy Charlotte, like really happy, I mean he has kids" she said it as it was a bad thing. I sighed and looked back up at her,  "Yes I am happy, he had a life before me we haven't seen eachother for a few years, he was married once before but now me and him are toegther and getting married" I lied but I was happy being with him again, even if it wasn't a real relationship.

"How about I bring them down one weekend, maybe this weekend you can meet him properly and see the kids, I'm sure they'll love you and you can make your famous chocolate cake" I offered her, I will just have to persuade Greyson to come all the way here for the weekend.

"That would be nice" she smiled back at me, all day I spent with Lillian who I loved so much, she was always there for me, when I first came here her and my nan were the only two people I had connection with besides my parents and they were always looking out for me. "You remind me so much with your grandmother" she tells me randomly, something she always tells me now and then.

I roll my eyes but continue to smile as I drink the rest of my hot chocolate, "I know Lillian, you tell me everytime" I remind her. I picked the kids up from school a few hours later, having to get the train home and then walk which took half an hour, they wouldn't stop talking about their day and I was just glad they enjoyed it. 

"How about we make some cookies and then whilst I'm making dinner you and your brother can watch TV" I suggested to them, which they seemed quite happy with. I was making a roast on a Tuesday but I loved to cook and not a lot of people did. I felt hands wrap around my leg and looked down to see Rose, she was more attached to me than her brother is. "What is it sweetie?" I cleaned my hands quickly so I could pick her up.

"Do you think daddy will get us a new mummy?" she asked innocently, oh not this again, "I don't know honey" I sighed. "Could you be our mummy, you love us don't you" she asked quietly, making me hold my breath. Of course I love them as if they were my own children but there not, but I will always be there for them.

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