Chapter Eight.

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I just continued to stare at Greyson and I had no clue at what to say, okay so after someone tells you they love you, you would say it back but how could I trust a word he was saying and how do I know he wouldn’t turn his back on me again. ­So I did one thing and one thing I laughed in his face, obviously not one of my best moments but I don’t exactly know what to do at this point.

All I kept thinking was that he is lying to me, I was so happy that he loves me but I don’t know if he is actually telling me the truth or not but when I stood up straight and looked at his face I knew that he was being serious, “You were being serious! You l-love me?” I questioned well no actually I stuttered nervously as I pointed to myself when I said all of this.

He only continued to stare at me and to be honest it felt like we were having a staring contest, then suddenly his head was moving and he was nodding and my eyes widen even more in shock if possible. “You can’t!” I finally shouted getting the attention of other people around us but at this point I didn’t care.

In my dreams I’ve always wanted him to tell me he loves me and it was finally happening and I just have to ruin the moment with all these thoughts in my head telling me he didn’t really love me and was lying to my face. “Why can’t I tell you I love you, huh? Is it wrong for me to fall in love with you, is it wrong for me to tell you the truth?” he demanded softly, he looked so angry at this point.

I glared at him now he had no right to be angry at me because he wasn’t expecting that reaction well he got it and should just deal with it, “I have been so in love with you for over ten years, even when you started dating Sarah I was still there but she got into your head anyway, turned you into someone else that didn’t care about anyone but her” I scoff and wipe under my eyes as I feel tears started to form and fall.

“You didn’t even believe me when I told you she was cheating on you, you chose her over your best friend and yet I still loved you but I was heartbroken and that ruined our friendship” I told him honestly, but I didn’t shout it out because I didn’t want people to know our business, I knew a lot of these people.

“I made a mistake and I don’t tend to do that again, because you were right she was cheating on me and then she slept with my brother, I know what it feels like to get your heart broken and I am telling you the truth when I say I love you Charlotte King!” he called out to me when I started walking away from him but that made me stop when he shouted it out to the world, well to the few people that were out near the beach.

I slowly turned round to face him again, “This was an amazing date Grey, honestly it was but how do I know I can trust you again and that you won’t break my heart, how do I know Grey?” I whispered sadly, I couldn’t deal with another heart break from the same person. “I promise you, I promise you Charlotte that I won’t break your heart because I love you and I don’t want you to be my fake fiancé anymore…” he trailed off softly taking my face in my hands but I could only look at him confused, what does he mean.

“I don’t understand, you don’t want me to be your fake fiancé anymore?” I quietly questioned, he loves me but doesn’t want me to be his fake fiancé so I was free. I felt him wipe under my eyes and that’s when I noticed I was still crying. Greyson smiled softly down at me and looked me in the eyes then down at my lips and then he leaned down and kissed so slowly but passionately.

When he finished he looked me in the eyes again but his lips were brushing against my lips making me feel so weak, “I don’t want you to be my fake fiancé, I don’t want you to be anything fake anymore because…because I want you to be my girl, no I want you to be my real fiancé” he smirked at me and all of a sudden he was kissing me again making me close my eyes.

“Will you marry me Charlotte King?” I heard him say making my eyes snap open to see him kneeling down on the floor with a smile on his face and holding a small ring box that held an engagement ring. I didn’t even realise he stopped kissing me I was too caught up in the moment, I gulped and blurted out one thing I could think of.

“I want children”

I didn’t even say ‘yes’ I just had to blurt that out but I had a reason and he will find out soon, fine he was an asshole all them years ago but at this moment it didn’t matter but these past weeks shown me the real him, the man I fell in love with in the first place.

“I want to have children one day Grey, I know you have Thomas and Rose and I treat them as my own children but I want a child of my own that will call me mum, a child that I carried for nine months and have you as their father, I just want children of my own” I told him honestly and I hoped he got the hint I was trying to give him.

I was rambling about wanting kids and I didn’t even realise Greyson got up again and started kissing me again but it was a good distraction, “I want more children too Charlotte and you as their mother, I might have Thomas and Rose but I want children with you too, I would do anything for you, I’m so sorry it took me so long to realise all this” he whispered kissing my neck softly making me moan.

“Wait, if you marry me Charlotte I don’t just want me and you to have children, I want you to adopt Thomas and Rose as your own, I want you to be their mother because you are more of a mum that Sarah ever was” he then said to me.

“Then I guess I have no choice but to marry you then” I tease him as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his head down brushing my lips against his, “There is one more thing”


“I’m pregnant” then I slammed my lips onto his kissing him with so much love until he stopped me, his hand was covering my stomach and he was smiling, “I’m going to be a dad? I’m going to be a dad!” he shouted making me laugh as people stared at us again but they weren’t annoyed they were smiling.

“Just don’t break my heart again Greyson” I told him sternly as I placed with his hair and he nodded his head saying nothing as he knelt down on the floor to kiss my stomach and look up at me again with a smile on his face. “When did you find out?”

“A couple of days before we came here” was all I said to him, I was so glad he was happy and was obviously taking my news very well. “Grey you know when you ask someone to marry you and they say yes your supposed to put a ring on their finger” I teased him shaking my left hand and he bit his lip and smiled back at me, opening the ring box and when I saw the ring I couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful it is.

“It’s so beautiful” I whispered as he took the ring out of the box, took my left hand and put it on my ring finger. “I love you too” I smirked when I finally told him I love him too.

“I think we should get home to the kids, I hope they’re happy when we tell them and wont hate me” I whispered mostly to myself but he heard me. “They won’t hate you because they love you” I couldn’t stop smiling, life was getting better, the man I love well he loves me back and after everything he asks me to marry him, adopt his kids and now my life was perfect.

I can’t wait to marry this man and then we can be a family, with a child on the way.


A/N; I know I said I would update last night but I kind of fell asleep but now it is here so enjoy!

I will be uploading Five Years [NV] on Sunday guys so keep a look out...

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