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Kris's POV

This is terrible. I can't believe we're doing this. This is so cruel. I seriously can't even.... Right now I am driving with Luhan..and we have Jun in the back of this truck. Jun is tied up with whatever the heck Luhan put on his mouth.

See. Now here's the thing. We....

..are actually bringing him to his company party. All of the groups, and Minghao are in on this, other than the rest of the Seventeen boys. This is basically what happened to BTS on AHL, but this seems a lot worse😅. I honsetly refused, but everyone thought it was a good idea. So now I'm driving a truck, with Luhan, pretendint to be some random dudes who kidnapped Jun.

Now you're probably wondering, why would Luhan and I be here? One, because our boys called us so we could get together and have some fun. Two, they dragged us, or should I say me (Lu was all up for this surprise) into this mess. Three, well..it would be more believable if it was us two since we are....no longer...a part of exo..


We finally arrived at the back of a stadium. Now all we have to do, is make sure Jun doesn't get away, and make sure that he doesn't enter the stadium. It was obviously already decorated.


Back with the other groups

"Nonono! We have to find him! How could this happen!? AND ON HIS BIRTHDAY!?" Seungkwan panicked.

"We have to find him. He can't be too far. The guy just came in." Jungkook said.

"Great. Now if you all could SHUT UP! And quit STANDING here, we can find him now let's go." Yoongi started, but Kyngsoo finished.


Everyone did a lot. In a few minutes, Jonghyun checked the cameras. He is actually pretty good with this kinda stuff. After zooming in,

"Yes! Ok, step 1 to surprise the rookies, CHECK!" JR whisper shouted.


As Seventeen and the rest of the groups piled into the room, the room became hotter.

There is definitely going to be a lot of food..I hope JR thought.

Look at who the kidnappers were.

All of Seventeen and Exo gasped.

"No way.." Xiumin said with disappointed eyes.

All of the groups pretended to be sad, disappointed, and angry.

Seventeen was the only ones showing true emotions.

Minghao tried calling Jun's phone, and in doing so, he would be able to track it.

While he did that, the others were bickereing.

Sweet! They're already there He thought

"I know where they are!"

Everyone looked at Minghao.

"I tracked his phone. They're behind a stadium that's not too far from here."

They all cheered.


I started school this week. That's why I never update. Just letting you know, it will be very hard to update in the future, because not only will I be going to school, I will also be taking college classes. And I will have TONS OF HOMEWORK! So if I go on hiatus, I apologize, because I know you guys like this series, and I love writing it for you. Anyways. I'm really tired and weak from my backpack, so I'll try my best to update all of my other stories by Sunday because after that, I will die from school work.

Anyway. I will be going now so I can eat breakfast. See ya sometime! Bai bai

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