3. Blooming Flowers

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I stayed with Sena until it went dark. I was so happy to be in his presence I lost track of time.
       "Oozora, don't you have a curfew?" Tsubasa asked. I looked at my watch. It was 7:50. Oh my gosh, I'm late.
      "Crap!!! I have to go." I said standing up. "Good luck making it by curfew." Tsubasa said before I had to run out. I raced to the train station. I have to catch the last train, the 8:00 train. Luckily, it was late this time. When I finally got there, I ran faster. And I finally made it. I sighed when I got on the train. I'm gonna be so late.

I finally got back to starlight at 8:45. I sighed as I walked into my house. It was dark and cold so I turned the lights and heat on. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that I had a text from Tsubasa.

Tsubasa Sena: Are you free tomorrow?
Me: I have to train for my concert in a week, but other than that, yes. Why?

Tsubasa Sena: I was wondering if you wanted to meet me somewhere tomorrow.
Me: Where do you want to meet?
Tsubasa Sena: I was wondering if I could take you to the Gojasugaden Park.

Gojasugaden park? I heard it has a reputation of having the most beautiful flowers and scenery.

Me: Like a date?
Tsubasa Sena: Yeah, a date.
Me: I'd gladly go on a date with you

At this point, my heart was racing. His vibe, his smile, every tone in his voice, every work of his, every sight of him and every sight of his designs only makes me fall for him even more.

Tsubasa Sena: That's Great! Oh by the way, I have something to ask you.
Me: Oh....? Go on....
Tsubasa Sena: Haha! Eager are you? You'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Me: Awe....can't you ask me right now?
Tsubasa Sena: There's a time and place for everything.
Me: Oh alright....What time shall we go there?
Tsubasa Sena: How does 2:00pm sound?
Me: It sounds perfect!! <3
Tsubasa Sena: Ok great. I'll see you there.
Me: Can't wait to see you.

       I woke up bright and early to get ready for my date. I opened my closet and went through it to find something perfect. I finally found a beautiful pastel pink dress that was perfect. As I was about to close the door, I saw a pair of pink high heels I don't wear often. They were the cutest shoes I've ever seen. I immediately grabbed them and put them on. After finishing the look with my usual hairstyle, I left the house and went to the train to Gojasugaden park. At the train station, I saw Tsubasa. He was across the train tracks from me. He ran to the other side quickly. I took notice that he wasn't in his usual attire. He was actually wearing street clothing instead of his usual outfit. I didn't care or anything. I just took notice.
       "So I guess we're catching the same train." Tsubasa said. I nodded.
       "Yeah. I'm happy to get to spend more time with you." I said. I watched the train tracks as our train arrived. Me and Tsubasa walked onto the train together. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was cut off by my phone ringing.
       "I'm sorry, one sec." I said. He nodded. "Hello?" I asked.
       "Oozora-honey, I don't mean to interrupt whatever you're doing, but I have news for you." Johnny-sensei said.
       "What's the news?" I asked.
       "You and Luminus are going on tour. Not just a tour around Japan, not just a tour around Asia, but the entire world. I believe you'll be gone for around 6 weeks. Isn't that great?" Johnny-sensei asked. I have to be honest, it is great news, but I'll be without Tsubasa for so long.
        "Th-that's great!" I lied.
       "Isn't it? You have about 2 weeks to prepare." Johnny-sensei said.
        "That's all?" I asked.
        "I know it's so soon, but congratulations." He said.
        "Th-thanks....I-I should go now." I said.
        "Ok. Bye Oozora-honey." Johnny-sensei said.

        "Tsubasa...." I said.
       "Did you just call me Tsubasa?" Tsubasa asked.
       "Y-Yeah?" I said.
       "I think I like getting called that by you. It feels right." Tsubasa said. I nodded. "So what's up?" He asked.
       "Luminus is going on tour in 2 weeks. We'll be gone for 6 weeks." I said.
       "That long?" He asked. Before I have to go....I-I really want to kiss him. How do I ask?
       "Yeah. It's so sudden. Lets make the most of the time we have until then!" I said.
       "Sure. There's so many places I'd like to take you." He said with a smile.
       "For example....?" I asked.
       "I found a field of wild flowers that I'd like to show you." Tsubasa said. I looked out the window. As I was watching the scenery, Tsubasa held my hand. I looked at him for a second and blushed.

After a long train ride, Tsubasa and I got to our stop.
       "It's a 5 minute walk from here." He said with a smile.
        "Okay." I said with a smile. I leaned into him a bit as we walked. Soon enough, I saw a beautiful gate.  Tsubasa walked me through the entrance.  Inside the garden was like another world.  Every part of it seemed so beautiful like a dream.  The best part is coming him with Tsubasa.
       "What do you think of it, love?  Do you like it?" He asked.
       "Like it?  I love it!" I said as my cheeks went a rosy pink.  He smiled.
       "I'm glad." He said.  He took me down a stone path to a traditional Japanese themed garden with a large bridge that went over a river.  As we walked, we went up a hill to see the bottom of the hill looked like there were 4 patches of snow.  These patches of white flowers had pink flowers making a picture of a pink rose.  As we went down, we saw that the patches were all roses.  In the middle of the the patches, were four paths and were the paths intersected, there was a fountain made of white marble shaped like a five round petal flower.
       "It's beautiful Tsubasa!" I said happily.
       "Only the best for my dearest love" He said giving me a smile. I blushed when he called me his dearest love.
"Tsubasa....have you ever kissed a girl before?" I asked.
"I haven't yet. Why? Have you?" He asked looking at me. As the breeze blew, and the flowers swayed in the fresh breeze, I look into his steel blue eyes, and I wonder. Should I ask him? Or should I just kiss him on the spot? I look at his lips; they look so soft, so perfectly curved, and perfect. Before I could make a move, Tsubasa lifts my chin. His face comes close to mine as I close my eyes.
While I expected a kiss, his go straight past mine and straight to my ear as he whispers.
"I just spotted Mister S."

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