Chapter 3. "Put On A Show"

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Cover It Up: Fake It!

The bulk of my life I've always lived in a lie. Honestly! When things weren't going well in my family or at home i would never let you know it. Smile from cheek to cheek with laughter filling the air.

I was always called names in my childhood not to say my childhood was bad i couldn't ask for more. But my mom always tried to hide the negative from me what people in my family used to say and most likely still say about me away from me.

      So I would never hate my own kin. If you knew me now you would know that i don't like people saying things behind my back period. Family or man on the street. If you have an opinion about me address it with me since I'm the person you have a problem with.

     As I child I never understood that but I think I kinda got the idea after my mom stop going places and not let me go places with family.

     When I was younger i was difficult to tame really difficult and i applaud my mom for never giving up.

My mom always tell me until this day "As a parent you never give up, you might get tired but you never give up."

Now that I'm older i know what's right from wrong and now I do understand that my younger siblings follow what I do. Although I was taught that at a younger age as well. Back then I really didn't believe it because i was so young.

     "It's really not easy for people to look over your past when they have a past of their own." -Donovan

"Put On A Show" This chapter means so much to me because ... As much stuff I've went through like judgement, rebellion, & just life i can proudly say I've overcome & overcame.

Don't let anybody steal your joy
When life gives you something bad make it good and throw it back in the persons or people faces that gave it to you. OVERCOME!!! Boys Do Cry, Girls Do Cry, WE ALL CRY.

       I say all of that to come to the conclusion that when I had old books that were charting 1k in no time people always tried to belittle me. Don't change for anybody. Change only if you want to for yourself! Now a days that my books are positive. Positive won't get as much attention as negative drama but I rather walk in the light than stay in the darkness of judgement and living for the opinion of others.

   "Miserable People Love Negativity & It's hard to find the positive in things."


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