Chapter 1;
The Hotel
Back when I started at the hotel I always felt a vibe coming from the 13th floor. There always seemed like there was something strange about it. A flash of a light come from there, a bell ring, or once there was an eye found on the rug. The day I found the eye was when everything started going down hill. I started throwing up when I got close to that floor. The sound of shackles filled my ears as if slaves were being held up there. Also I heard rumors once of people going into their rooms and never returning.
The hotel was believed to be built on a ancient burial site. There was talk of ghost walking the halls, knocking on doors, and screaming at the sleeping guests.
I have witnessed a ghost in the hotel before.
The hotel was built out of sandstone that supposedly has human souls captured in them. I was told that the walls would talk to the guest and try to move at them. I didn't believe it until the night I had late shift.
~~Catch the Twilight Zone reference, no? Read it again :)!!!! Chapter 2 will be out soon!!! Sorry for the short chapter, next one will be longer~~