Chapter 15 : Meeting 'him'

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Chapter 15 : Meeting 'him'

Alex's POV
I stormed out of the house, trying to calm my breath. When I got into the lawn, the fresh air instantly calmed my nerves. Why was I so mad? I should be happy that she found someone worthy of her. But how I wished it was me...

I took deep breaths, deciding to walk towards my house, visit my mum to clear my head. She'd tell me more about this guy who's fathering the child of the girl I love.

I was just starting to walk away when I heard voices behind me. I turned around to find Stefan, Sienna and that boy walk with one of his hand held to Sienna's and the other holding onto his basketball. I looked behind them, but I didn't find Ariel following.

They came and stood in front of me. I didn't say anything, just stared at the boy. I really needed to ask the boy his name, I kept calling him, 'boy'.

I sat on my toes to come to his level, gave him a small smile and asked, "Hey there, buddy. What's your name?" He seemed shy as he clung into Sia's leg and hid his face behind her.
"It's okay, baby. Tell him your name" cooed Sienna. I was shocked to hear her talk softly. It had always been my Ariel who was soft, since highschool. Oops sorry, not yours anymore, said my inner voice. But seeing Sia so soft, I knew she loved this boy as much as Ariel loved him. And looking at him, I don't think I could hate him either.

"H-hi...m-my name i-is Caleb..." he stuttered, and I noticed his perfectly aligned teeth. Oh, that's weird, thats my grandfather's name...he stood behind Sienna, peeping at me. I found him extremely adorable and somehow felt a fatherly connection to him, even though he wasn't mine. I really wanted him to be mine.

"Baby, tell him your full name, honey. C'mon, Alex here won't hurt you..." cooed Sienna again. This time Stefan said jokingly, "What? I leave your side for 5 years and you give my nickname to someone else?" Sienna just rolled her eyes, and pushes the boy gently towards me.

He comes upto me hesitantly before enveloping me in a hug. His tiny body gives me feels that I shouldn't be feeling. He's not my son, I keep reminding myself.

He then looks at me with those deep grey eyes of his, and I somehow see my own eyes in his ones. No, it couldn't be..., not possible..., I think as I stare at him, amazed. I suddenly notice his same brunette hair as me, that lopsided grin of his that was a mirror image of mine...

"My name is Caleb Storm..." he seemed to be a bit doubtful, I think because I kept staring at him.

Storm...Storm, Caleb Storm, he said. Oh Holy Cow! Did he just say my last name!?

I jumped back, falling on my butt. My eyes grew wide as I kept mumbling, "This couldn't be, he couldn't be..."

I seemed to have scared Caleb, as he rushed and hid himself behind Sienna again.

"Man, you okay?" Asked Stefan, as he helped me stand up. I looked towards him, and asked, "Dude, you knew?" Meaning, Caleb being my, my son. He was mine, indeed. I felt happy, anxious and scared at the same time.

"No, not until I met him first..." said Stefan and smiled. He patted by back in understanding.

Sienna had picked Caleb up into her arms. She handed me to him, Caleb seemed to still be scared of me, so I decided to talk to him. I took him from Sienna into my hands and walked towards the front porch of the house. I sat there with Caleb still in my lap, and turned him towards me.

"Hey little man. I'm Alex, your dad..." And gently took his hand and gave him a little handshake. He seemed to be looking at our tangled hands and mumbled, "Your hands are so huge..." when he realised he said it out aloud, he blushed and hid his head into my chest. I chuckled at this little boy, not believeing he was a part of me.

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