Ch.1 Do You Know?

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Back in the catering area, Becky Lynch walks with Carmella around all the food that looks so good and only grabs the healthy things.
After they fill their plates to their likings, they both walk over to find table to sit down at. Turns out the table right next to them contains some unstable people. As Becky sits down, she pulls out her phone to see all the tweets mentioning her, only selecting a few to view. Carmella just watches her and starts to eat. Over at the other table, none other than Dean Ambrose is looking, slightly over at Becky, until Carmella catches him in her sight. Dean continues to sit there on his phone.
Carmella "Hey, what's up with you?"
Becky "Oh, just some funny tweet of me again."
Carmella has a slight smirk. Becky finally puts down her phone and starts to eat. She sees Nattie walking by and stares at her. Nattie just walks on by with a glare. Becky sort of turns her head around the other way to avoid looking at her. But, Dean catches her eye, and the lunatic fringe looks up at her. She gets a little nervous. He smiles at her and she does the same. She turns her head back and continues eating.
A couple minutes pass, and Ambrose gets up to go get ready for SD live. Becky hears him and looks back around. He doesn't look back and just keeps walking. Carmella tells Becky she better go get ready for her match with Nattie tonight. Becky says "See ya later" and sits there for a few seconds. After, she gets and throws her plate away and starts to walk back to her lockeroom. As she's walking by, Styles waves to her and she waves back.
Becky finally finds her lockeroom and opens the door to go in. As she's getting her gear all set up for tonight, she hears a knock on the door. She looks confused for a moment. Then, she goes over to open it. It's Naomi with Becky's phone.
Naomi "I believe you left this in catering girl"
Becky "Ahh, thank you so much!"
She hugs Naomi and shuts the door again. She starts to put her gear on and then, someone else knocks on her door. She thinks to herself "Now who?"
She yells "One second!", as she continues to strap her boots and kickpads up. She walks over to the door and opens it. Little behold, it's the unstable champion.
"May I help you?", Becky says.
Dean stands there for a second thinking of what to say. "Um, I wanted to stop by and say good luck with your #1 contender's match tonight"
Becky, "Oh, well thanks. I'll be taking some arms with me too."
Dean does a slight giggle and says, "Your welcome and that arm collection must be getting pretty big?"
Becky giggles and replies, "Only a few more and It'll be gold."
Dean says goodbye and walks out. Becky stands there still with a smile on her face. Wondering why. Why did he come here? He never talks to me? And why did I feel so happy?

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