I logged onto my twitter. Dang I haven't been on for so long. I clicked on my mentions.
@LovaticForever5287 said '@ddlovato you okay? Come on twitter! We need you!'
@AwesomeGirl3792 said 'omg if @ddlovato doesn't come on soon, I'm gonna kill @joejonas'
I laughed at that one.
@MickyMouseEars said '@ddlovato come back! We miss you! Love you so much!'
I sighed and tweeted 'Sorry guys, I know I haven't been on for a while, I was just really busy and had a lot of things going on. Hope you understand. Love you too. Oh and don't kill @joejonas. Even though I would appreciate it'
I shut down my computer and called Selena.
"Hello?" she asked.
"Hey Selly. It's me, Demi." I said
"Oh hey Demi, so how did it go yesterday?" she asked, making my frown a little.
"Well, it was good and bad." I said, softly.
"Tell me the good first"
"We're back together."
"YAYYYY!" she screeched. "So umm what's the bad!" she added
"its just not the same" I said, looking down.
"what do you mean?" she asked.
"I don't know, I just dont feel the chemistry we once had." I answered.
she sighed. "ill just try to deal with it" I said, hanging up.
had to do something :3