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December 2, 2015

Karlie and her mother, Tracy, are currently sharing their last conversation together in a hospital room, on the third floor.

The lights are dimmed and there are candles on the sides of Tracy's bed, just like she requested. A bible is sitting on the bedside table, and Karlie is squeezing her mothers hand while silent tears escape her eyes. Small sniffles leave her nose and she moves her other hand to rest on her mothers bald head.

"I love you so much, Karlie. Please don't forget that," her mothers voice is so weak the blonde has to lean in to properly hear her mother. The sentence makes her heart shatter and another sob leave her.

"I love you, too. I'll always love you, mom. I wish we could have more time."

Tracy frowns, "Karlie, I've done enough in this life. I raised a beautiful young woman by myself, I had a strong career, and I was fortunate enough to travel around the world. It's your turn, honey. Meet someone, raise a family, just do something before it's too late. I believe in you."

With that final piece of advice, her mothers heart monitor speeds up and the hand Karlie is holding goes limp. Karlie's eyes widen and she cries harder than ever. "No! Mom, you can't do this, don't leave me!" Her voice raises with every word. "It's too soon, don't do this to me, come back. Please, I'm begging you. I love you, I love you, I love you!"

A nurse enters the room and rests a hand on Karlies back, rubbing it soothingly. "It's time to say goodbye, sweetie." Karlie lets out a final sob and rests her head on her mothers chest, for once, not hearing a beat. She shakes her head and places a final kiss on her mothers temple, and the nurse helps her stand up.

She turns to the woman and collapses into her arms. The nurse wraps her arms around Karlies fragile body and whispers soothing words into her ear.

Four months later-- April 5, 2016

Taylor walks into her office building holding a steaming hot cup of coffee in one hand, and her briefcase on the shoulder of her other. She takes the elevator to the fifth floor and walks straight to her office. She sighs and sets her things onto her desk and pulls her computer out of her bag to begin going over emails. Her assistant, Jourdan, walks in a moment later to greet her boss.

"Good morning, Taylor, you're looking well today." Jourdan is holding a sticky note in her hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

"Hello, Jourdan. I see you've got my coffee, well, you can drink it. I stopped by Starbucks earlier, but thank you." The blonde looks up from her computer to smile a the chocolate colored woman.

"Not a problem. I do have some messages for you. Schmidt, in printing, has the final drafts for you and can deliver them to your office this morning. Miranda has the budget reports ready to be reviewed, and Karen is back from maternity leave." Jourdan holds out the note containing more information.

"Thank you, Jourdan. Anything else?" Taylor takes the sticky note from her hand and places next to her computer.

"Yes, I was wondering if I could have a longer lunch break today? I have a friend visiting that is about to be leaving the country," the brunette nervously asks.

"Yes, but could you meet with her here? You can have one of the conference rooms, I just need you here in case something happens, you know, with fashion week coming up. She is welcome to stay as long as she wants, though."

"That's perfect, thank you, Taylor. "

"Not a problem, Jourdan." Taylor looks back at her computer screen, signaling the conversation is over.

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