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3 Days Later

After Taylor announced how she wanted to help Karlie to Jourdan, the assistant was taken back. Immediately she asked if she was joking, and Taylor thought that was absurd. She would never make light of Karlies situation. She informed her she was deathly serious and wanted to help in any way she could, even if that meant marrying her.

Taylor couldn't describe it, but when her eyes landed on the blonde, she felt immediately drawn to her, she would do anything for her. She had never believed in love at first sight, but she was pretty sure this was it.

After Taylor explained this to Jourdan, the brunette mentioning her boss is going insane, she accepted that Taylor was completely serious. So, she told Karlie the next day, and the woman laughed in Jourdans face.

"You can't be serious?" Karlie said.

"Karlie, I swear. She called me that night and explained that she wanted to help you, her exact words were 'I have to marry Karlie'. I'm not sure what is going through her head, but I think you should at least meet with her over dinner to talk. I do think she likes you, though. Did you see the way she was looking at you?"

Karlie sighs and shakes her head, "she should be lucky I'm gay and she's attractive."

Flash forward and the two girls are sitting across from each other at a fancy restaurant, looking at their respective menus.

Taylor sets her menu onto the table and focuses all of her attention on the woman sitting across from her. "Karlie, I know this may seem weird to you, but I promise I'm not a creep. I swear on my life actually. I'm just a regular 28 year old woman living in New York City trying to help a friends friend."

Karlie laughs and looks at her, placing her menu in her lap, "even if you've only known them for a week?"

"Yes, exactly." She blushes, "ask me anything."

Karlie chuckles and places her elbows on the table and rests her chin on her palms. "Okay," she thinks for a moment. "I know who you are from the media, but who are you to yourself and family?"

Taylor has never been asked that question. Everyone knows about her life, curtesy of the media, but they don't know the real Taylor. "Well, every night before I go to bed I take out my wretched contact lenses and put on my glasses. I climb into my bed--which is way to big for one person, I mean who even needs that much space--and cuddle up with my two cats and read a book before turning off the lights to go to bed. I hate watching tv before going to sleep. I've done that routine for the past couple of years. I've never really had a real relationship, I've preferred to be on my own--until I've realized I'm almost 30.

"My brother calls me Teffy. My parents were completely supportive and proud when I came out as gay to them. My favorite color is white and purple. I opened up my own company at 21 and started my first clothing line at 24. I also do interior design in that company, which was how I started, and I love it more than designing clothes. I own four houses, the only reason I bought them was so I could design them for myself, I prefer my apartment here in New York City the most. When I was little I wanted to be a stock broker because my dad was one, but I didn't even know what that entails. And I always though I would grow old with ten cats by myself." Taylor takes a deep breath. "That, is Taylor Alison Swift in the eyes of myself and family."

Karlie is completely taken back by all of the adorable yet quirky information Taylor threw at her in the span of five minutes. "I had no idea you wore glasses!" Is the first thing the pops out of her mouth.

Taylor chuckles and replies, "so now that you know who I am, why don't you tell me about yourself?"

Karlie presents to contemplate the offer before nodding her head, "okay," she takes a minute to collect her thoughts. "My name is Karlie Elizabeth Kloss. My mom had me when she was 19 and I never met my father, I also don't have any siblings. I don't know if I have distant relatives or not, either. I like to bake when I'm stressed, happy, sad, lonely, depressed, angry, or if I had a bad dream. So I like to bake all the time pretty much. I go to the gym everyday for two hours.

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