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Karlie and Taylor are sunbathing on the beaches of South Africa, enjoying their time as a married couple. Their hands are intertwined as they lay next to each other on their respective lounge chairs.

Karlie turns her head to Taylor and tells her, "I love you, and this place is perfect

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Karlie turns her head to Taylor and tells her, "I love you, and this place is perfect. Thank you," she leans over the space between them and kisses Taylor passionately on the lips. Taylor rests her palm on her cheek and leans into the kiss.

She pulls away and tells her, "I love you, too. The wedding was perfect and this just topped it off."

"Like I said it my vows, I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together, and I can't wait to make all these new memories with you."

"Me, too. This is gonna be great," she smiles and pecks her lips.

Later that night, Karlie lays awake bare in Taylor's arms. Her head is rested upon her chest and she can feel her slow, steady breathing. It would calm her into a deep sleep if she wasn't so turned on at the moment.

She sighs and turns around so she is lying propped up on her elbows, laying face-to-face with her wife. She begins peppering kisses awfully close to her breasts, and up around her neck, and eventually she lands on her lips. Taylor begins to stir awake beneath her as Karlie presses her lips to be wives mouth hard.

"Karlie," Taylor mumbles under her, "I can't go another round, I'm too tired." She puts her palm to Karlies face and pushes it away, turning onto her side to try and get some sleep.

Karlie doesn't give up though, as she places her lips to her ear and whispers seductively, "lets go skinny dipping."

Taylor freezes, clearly awake, and turns to look at her wife. "It's three in the morning." She gives her an 'are you kidding me?' look.

Karli chuckles, "then we won't get caught. Come on, Taylor. Please?" She gives the shorter blonde her best puppy dog eyes, "later, I'll let you do anything you want to me."

This grabs her attention. "Anything?" Taylor asks.

With a sharp nod of her head, Taylor whips the blankets off of them and Karlie giggles excitedly. They slip on a pair of shorts and a skimpy tank top before taking a bath towel to share. They run out of their hotel room and through the lobby, ignoring the strange looks they receive from the concierge. They run hand in hand to the shore and stop to undress each other.

Once they are bare, Taylor pulls her wife in for a deep, sultry kiss, "I love you so much, and you are insane!"

Karlie throws her head back in laughter and pecks her nose. "That's why you love me," she tells her wife.

Taylor nods in agreement. "Yes, it is."

3 years later

Snowflakes stick to the floor to ceiling windows before dropping to the ground. Loud honks below the apartment can be heard by Taylor and Karlie sitting on the couch, bundled up under a blanket together. Karlie is laying with her legs over Taylors as she sits up sipping a mug of hot cocoa. Taylor has a hand placed on Karlies bare stomach and draws circles on it with her finger pads.

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