Playful Spirit [10] Falling

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 Picture is Jared----->

Chapter Ten


"You have got to be fucking kidding me! He said that to you?"

It had already been two weeks since the I moved into Golden Valley and after the whole incident with Ryder. Erin was still on her way to her parents that night, so after many days of trying to contact her, I finally got through today. Needless to say, she was not happy when I told her what happened.

"Yeah. And then he was like 'oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way'. Yeah right." I said, mocking Ryders voice and rolling my eyes. I had passed by him a couple of times on my way into the town, but I ignored him and hurried away. I was done acting like I cared about him. From the night on, I vowed that he would be nothing but a stranger to me.

And my mom told me to never talk to strangers.

"Scar, I am so sorry I thought this was a good idea. When we came to your house that night, Tyler and I told him to tell you about the mate thing. I honestly thought he was going to be-"

"Wait. You knew?" My eyebrows knitted together when I asked the question. "You're supposed to be my best friend and you never told me that I was mated to a fucking asshole?" My voice came out higher than I thought. In my defense, I felt betrayed so I was exactly rainbows and sunshine.

"Scarlet. I couldn't tell you." Erin said softly on the other line.

"Yes you could've. You do even understand how much easier everything would be right now if you had told me!" I yelled into the phone before hanging it up. I groaned in frustration and fell back onto my bed. I had no clue why I was getting so upset. Everything about me was changing, but the one thing that had changed the most was my body. Specifically my stomach.

I got up and made my way into the bathroom. I lifted up my shirt as I stood in front of the mirror. I ran a hand over my stomach and realized I was shaking. It didn't look like just a fat bulge. I knew what those looked like and this was not it. I was scared to admit to myself what it looked like because if I did, I might breakdown.

But I couldn't keep denying it. Everything was adding up now with my stomach getting bigger. The mood swings, the constant need to eat weird things, the achenes, the occasional morning sickness and body. I needed to talk to someone.

I ran back into my bedroom and grabbed the first big thing I could find. I was not going out there with my stomach showing. Everyone knew I was mated to Ryder and if they saw my stomach, rumor would spread and I did not want Ryder to find out about this. 

I was not pregnant.

I was defiantly not pregnant.

I was defiantly not pregnant with his child.

I threw on the sweater and slid on some black flats and grabbed my military style jacket before heading out towards the one place I could go. Beccas. If I had known the minute I stepped out the door that everyone would want to stop and chat, I would have just called her. I picked up my pace and finally made it to her house.

It was similar to mine in style, but the inside was bigger. I blamed it on the fact that Dorian was apart of the Alpha's Court. He was the only one however, that didn't live in the Council House. I knew Tyler, Luna and Jared lived there. I was surprised to find out Cane wasn't apart of the court, but then again according to Tyler, no one liked him anymore. I started walking up to the front porch when I felt someone grab my arm. I swirled around to see it was Jared.

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